Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
Experience what life was like being sent to an underground prison.
A New and Startling Interpretation of the Meaning, Scope and Function of Sex as Seen and Interpreted From the Inner or Cosmic Standpoint. A Work That Should Revolutionize the Thought of Today in its Relation to the Vital Mystery of Sex in All its Aspects. It Presents a Practical Solution to the Sex Problems of Everyday Life.
The dream world. Fantasy or Subconscious Reality? Dreams play an important part of man's life on earth.. to what measure do they control our actions? What internal secrets do we enjoy only in our dreamworld?
An exhaustive study into the normalcy of sex in ancient India's lifestyle and religions. The openness of sexual activity makes one wish you could live in such a society in modern times.
Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.
How is it possible for the secret traditions of an African tribe to contain detailed data on the star Sirius which modern astronomers have only just discovered? Why can this strange information be traced back to the even older civilisations of Sumer and Egypt? The most ancient and sacred traditions of the Dogon tribe in West Africa maintain that the existence of civilisation on earth is a result of contact from inhabitants of a planet in the system of the star Sirius.
Moses' Magical Spirit-Art : This obscured book has been published from time to time by many, but this is the largest print edition we are aware of. This is also the first fully complete edition as it was derived from three rather dilipated old booklets.
IT is our design to present a pleasing and interesting miscellany, which will serve to beguile the leisure hour, and will at the same time couple instruction with amusement. We have used but little method in the arrangement: Choosing rather to furnish the reader with a rich profusion of narratives and anecdotes, all tending to illustrate the Female Character, to display its delicacy, its sweetness, its gentle or sometimes heroic virtues, its amiable weaknesses, and strange defects-than to attempt an accurate analysis of the hardest subject man ever attempted to master, viz-WOMAN.
A Life filled with the supernatural. Apparitions, Visions, Second Sight, Hypnotic Trances, Weird Mystic Ceremonies, Indian Magicians, Religious Rites.. and more in this biography.
Tomb and Image of the Queen of Sheba Discovered - The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and King David are still household names in much of the world, so how is it possible that these influential monarchs cannot be found in the archaeological record? The reality of this omission has perplexed theologians and historians alike for centuries, but Ralph Ellis, the maverick author of Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs and Tempest & Exodus, has at last rediscovered the lost tombs and sarcophagi of these legendary monarchs.
With the firm conviction that the Pyramids of Egypt were built and employed, among other purposes, for one special, main, and important purpose of the greatest utility and convenience, I find it necessary before I can establish the theory I advance, to endeavor to determine the proportions and measures of one of the principal groups. I take that of Gïzeh as being the one affording most data, and as being probably one of the most important groups.
Of all the legendary UFO contactees that Long John interviewed, Orfeo
Angelucci stands out in my mind. There was sincerity in his voice. He seemed
charming. There was no doubt he believed in what he was saying. He wasn
Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.
Mystical, secretive, philosophical, and prophetic... This book looks into the realm of mysteries that have peaked man's curiosties throughout the ages.
Enter pristine Egypt of 1911 through the eyes of this author and relive the impressions of ancient Egypt, before World Wars, before Industrialization, before the Modern Era. Mildly illustrated with images from the area of Egpyt the author is revealing. Feel the romance that Egypt holds over the world and awe of Egypt the author feels. Egypt holds a spell over all people of every civilization.