Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Gods of Eden
Catalog #: SKU0177

Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonishing intellectual and technological advancement, Man's progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.

Babylonian Oil Magic
Catalog #: SKU2655

The power of oil, the anointing oil, the magic of oil.... Oil was revered in early Semitic cultures.

Book of Forbidden Knowledge
Catalog #: SKU3952

Black magic, superstitions, charms, diviniations, signs, omens, etc.

Exoteric Duties of Free Masons
Catalog #: SKU2704

The author expounds on the spiritual side, duties, and responsibilities of Freemasons.

Ink, Oil and Mirror Gazing in Modern Egypt
Catalog #: SKU3997

A study of gazing that was practiced by the famous John Dee, alchemist, is still used in modern Egypt.

Investigations into the Super-Physical
Catalog #: SKU4104

Intuitional and astral travel is believed to be the future science, and how man finds his place in the universe of creation.

Magic and Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU3964

So universal is the belief in spiritual influences, and more especially in their malignant influences, that no race of men, no period of time, no region of the globe, have been exempt from it.

Playing Cards Embody a Scientific Record of the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU4019

Does the geometrical math of playing cards lead to the Great Pyramid of Egypt?

Telepathy, or Psychic Transmission a Fact or a Delusion?
Catalog #: SKU4029

If the lower animals on earth are capable of telepathy, why not man?

Daedalus or Science and the Future
Catalog #: SKU1165

This TGS Reprint is a challenging essay on whether mankind will survive the Future of Science if all we do is direct it towards killing our fellow man and destroying civilizations and the planet. Will man correct his ways and direct the science towards the good of mankind? The essay reflects the inward struggle that man better heed, for his own good. Includes a brief description of the story/myth of Daedalus.

Magic Incantations
Catalog #: SKU2666

Magic incantations from the ancient world, translated from Latin.

We Met the Space People
Catalog #: SKU1792

It all began when my sister, Betty, and I were in a downtown St. Louis coffee shop. We had been shopping and had stopped off to get a coke and refresh ourselves.

Fountain of Youth
Catalog #: SKU2368

The Fountain of Youth... real or myth?

Studies in Astrology
Catalog #: SKU3486

Historical studies of astrology.

Dragon and His Lair in Beowulf
Catalog #: SKU2374

Studying the Reptilian infiltration of man? Here's one overlooked from the Nordic traditions.
