Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
In The Cosmic Fire, a Treatise the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatski prophesied he would give, namely the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation.
The Prophecy of Nixon has so often given a name to the productions of authors of different principles, that it is now almost become a doubt whether such a person ever existed. Passing through Cheshire lately, curiosity led me to inquire what credit these legends bore among the natives: and I was not a little surprised to find with what confidence they related events which have come to pass within the memory of many of the inhabitants; and how strictly they adhered to the notion that he would not fail in the rest.
With the invention of the telescope came an epoch in human history. To Hans Lippershey, a Dutch optician, is accorded the honour of having constructed the first astronomical telescope, which he made so early as the 2nd of October, 1608. Galileo, hearing of this new wonder, set to work, and produced and improved instrument, which he carried in triumph to Venice, where it occasioned the intensest delight.
It would have been a bold step indeed for anyone, some thirty years ago, to have thought of treating the public to a collection of stories ordinarily reputed fabulous, and of claiming for them the consideration due to genuine realities, or to have advocated tales, time-honoured as fictions, as actual facts; and those of the nursery as being, in many instances, legends, more or less distorted, descriptive of real beings or events.
With the firm conviction that the Pyramids of Egypt were built and employed, among other purposes, for one special, main, and important purpose of the greatest utility and convenience, I find it necessary before I can establish the theory I advance, to endeavor to determine the proportions and measures of one of the principal groups. I take that of Gïzeh as being the one affording most data, and as being probably one of the most important groups.
"The Pearl of Great Price," as written by Bonus of Ferrara, and edited by Janus Lacinius. In the first place, it is one of the earliest works printed on alchemy, and the original is a very beautiful specimen of typography. Concerning the latter point, it is only necessary to say that it was issued from the press of Aldus, appearing in 1546.
The case for the "psychic" element in literature rests on a very old foundation; it reaches back to the ancient masters,-the men who wrote the Greek tragedies. Remorse will ever seem commonplace alongside the furies. Ever and always the shadow of the supernatural invites, pursues us.
"The word was God." That "word is Truth." Truth can never change, or it would contradict itself. Past, present, and future, must be governed by immutable laws. Experience is acquired by the careful study of history, and the present condition of all things.
From the terrible conditions of the present I have turned back to the past, for a little joy and a great deliverance. In the present one lives no longer from day to day, but from hour to hour, and even a fleeting memory of the joys that are no more refreshes the soul-wearied, and fainting with a pallid anxiety that wraith-like envelops the whole being in a thrall of sadness.
Nothing is rarer upon our planet than an independent and absolutely untrammelled mind, nor is anything rarer than a true scientific spirit of inquiry, freed from all personal interest. World famous astronomer and science fiction writer investigates paranormal activities.
To those who have carefully studied the evidence there is, however, little doubt that telepathy does afford an adequate explanation of certain well-attested phenomena, such as phantasms of the living or dying person. And telepathy, which may now be considered as highly probable, leads on to the evidence for man's survival after death-to this I will return later on.
"Love is always the same. As Sappho loved, fifty years ago, so did people love ages before her; so will they love thousands of years hence." These words, placed by Professor Ebers in the mouth of one of the characters in his historic novel, An Egyptian Princess, express the prevalent opinion on this subject, an opinion which I, too, shared fifteen years ago. Though an ardent champion of the theory of evolution, I believed that there was one thing in the world to which modern scientific ideas of gradual development did not apply-that love was too much part and parcel of human nature to have ever been different from what it is to-day.