Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Book of Giants, A
Catalog #: SKU2427

Giants did walk this earth in our ancient past. They are recorded and proven in myths, Bible, and archeology.

Book of Forbidden Knowledge
Catalog #: SKU3952

Black magic, superstitions, charms, diviniations, signs, omens, etc.

Book of Destiny
Catalog #: SKU0879

One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.

Book of Ceremonial Magic
Catalog #: SKU1576

The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.

Catalog #: SKU2820

A scholarly study into the origin of the worship and idolization of twins in most religions. The Boanerges, the Dioscuri, the Heavenly Twins, all words for the same phenomena of religion's twins. The twins show up in Christianity and Judaism in the sacred texts, having a unique position in those religions, Jacob-Esau, Lea-Rachael, Jesus-Thomas, and possibly Cain-Abel.

Blessed Joan of Arc (Ford)
Catalog #: SKU2859

E.A. Ford writes the epic tale of Joan of Arc from a Christian view, as though appealling to the Church for the canonization of Joan as a saint.

Blazing Star
Catalog #: SKU3984

Studies into several esoteric realms, starting with the importance of the Blazing Star to faith.

Black Sun, The : Montauk Nazi-Tibetan Connection
Catalog #: SKU0127

The Black Sun continues the intriguing revelations readers have come to expect from Peter Moon as he digs deeper than ever before into the mysterious synchronicities that have made his work so popular.

Big Book of Werewolves. The - Timothy Green Beckley's
Catalog #: SKU1873

From Timothy Green Beckley's weird and wacky facts comes this era's most in depth look at the phenomena of the WEREWOLF. Come inside and quench your bloodthirst of curisosity about a legend that never dies.

Bible Code, The
Catalog #: SKU0195

For three thousand years a code in the Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer -- and it may reveal our future. The code was broken by an Israeli mathematician, who presented the proof in a major science journal, and it has been confirmed by famous mathematicians around the world.

Bible Code II
Catalog #: SKU0630

The Bible code--the ancient code encrypted in the Bible that may reveal the future--was made known to the world by investigative reporter Drosnin. Now he reveals startling new predictions warning that society may have only three years to stop the countdown to Armageddon.

Bi-Sexual Love
Catalog #: SKU2426

One of the early psychological studies into the homosexual and bi-sexual lifestyles.

Beyond Our Galaxy (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0002

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Beyond Our Galaxy
Catalog #: SKU0002a

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Beyond Human Personality
Catalog #: SKU1237

Containing an account of the gradual development of human personality into cosmic personality through GERALDINE CUMMINS
