Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Glimpses of Life Beyond Death
Catalog #: SKU0846

There are few words more rivetting, even awe inspiring, than 'life beyond death,' for they imply, excitingly, that the dead live on to exist in some form of afterlife. Those words have mystery, romance, and colour, and according to the historic evidence, millions of people have glimpsed that afterlife in an astounding phenomenon called the Near-Death Experience.

Dove, the : the Rose and the Sceptre : In Search of the Ark of the Covenant
Catalog #: SKU0847

It is fascinating that rumours still persist to this current day, that the Stone of Destiny returned to Westminster was a fake, that it was not the original one stolen by the Scottish Nationalists, and that it was concealed in a safe place somewhere awaiting the time for the Biblical prophecies to come to fruition.

Ancient Earth Mysteries : Future Technology from the Past
Catalog #: SKU0865

It has been reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods.

Today's New Atlantis
Catalog #: SKU0868

Are you looking for Atlantis, the highly advanced "ancient" society that destroyed itself through greed and war ages ago? Then look around you and understand that Atlantis is reincarnated in the present society and that you are a citizen of the new Atlantis . . . commonly known as the United States of America!

We are the Nibiruans : Return of the 12th Planet
Catalog #: SKU0875

When enough of us have completed this process -Recoding, Reconnection and Activation - the increased mass consciousness frequency will shift our planet into higher planes of the 4th Dimension and will diminish the pending "Earth changes" crises that are predicted.

Book of Destiny
Catalog #: SKU0879

One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.

Egyptian Secrets
Catalog #: SKU0884

This strange book goes in and out of print with nearly every generation. While appearing to be a book of long forgotten secrets and magic by its title, it is really a catalog of old remedies used for ailments throughout the centuries. It is not known how old the writing is or how old the remedies included are. It is even disputed that Albertus Magnus (aka Saint Albert the Great) of the 13th century is truly the author. This version is from an old book printed in the United States under the title Egyptian Secrets.

Atlantis in America
Catalog #: SKU0885

This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.

Atlantis Today and Tomorrow
Catalog #: SKU0886

This rare little book is from noted historian and esotericist Colonel J.F.C. Fuller. This copy was part of a published series titled Today and Tommorrow. The copy we had was titled Atlantis: America and the Future.

This book has been scanned as a special historical reprint project and no other formatting to the original text was attempted.

Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day
Catalog #: SKU0906

The science of numbers, also called numerology is off the ceiling, out of the musty cupboard and catapulted into today. The mysteries of how and why numerology works is explained.

Saurian Saga
Catalog #: SKU0907

In ancient times, when the world was still very new, not long after the earth had cooled; the violence of global upheavals had eased. The world was full of all manner of life and the existence of mankind became known by other beings inhabiting the world. But man was still new to the world and his influence weak. In this distant time, there were other more awesome beings and creatures that had long struggled for evolution throughout those early ages.

Montauk Book of the Dead
Catalog #: SKU0909

'The Montauk Book of the Dead' is a tale of the intrigue and power which hover over the most sacred kernel of our existence: the secrets of life and death. Peter Moon not only reveals fascinating details of his years aboard L. Ron Hubbard's mystery ship but gives the mjost candid and inside look ever at one of the most controversial figures in recent history.

Synchronized Universe
Catalog #: SKU0910

A New Scientific Revolution is quietly underway... The Synchronized Universe, reveals that the tapestry of modern science is showing a few tatters...There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.

Psychoma : Soul Sleep
Catalog #: SKU0914

Existence as we know it, Birth and Death, Astral- physical- spiritual life, Psychic Visions, Subliminal Self ransmutation: Sex, Law of Vibration, Solar Plexus, Law of Concentration-Meditaion Awakening: Aspiration, Subconsious Mind, Obsession Mastership: Cosmic Consiousness, Happiness, Dominion, Healing

Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth
Catalog #: SKU0930

There at the center of the Earth, the Atlanteans still live in peace and tranquility away from the war-like elements of the surface dwellers.

In this work the author take sthe readers on an exploration like no other. Here are tales of polar openings, hidden civilizations, strange underground bases, Admiral Byrds' Top-Secret discoveries at the North and South poles, the central sun, the Shaver Mystery, and must more that will open your eyes to a "new reality" that you probably never realized existed.
