Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
Catalog #: SKU0786

One of the major things that would qualify for a global disaster would be a global economic collapse. As we have all seen in recent years, this is a very real concern. This will be orchestrated (all the world's a stage) by the Rothschild family, who own outright or control by proxy, the largest banks in the world. Subsequently, because of that power, they control by influence the rest of the banks worldwide.

Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, The
Catalog #: SKU0790

Millions of people have been influenced and inspired by the work of Edgar Cayce. Most of those who study his material have accepted reincarnation as a modality by which evolution of consciousness occurs.

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution
Catalog #: SKU0796

Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.

Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU0797

One of the most profound mysteries of the world towers above the desert sands of Egypt

History of Baalbek
Catalog #: SKU0799

The fame of the ruins at Baalbek in Lebanon once drew many tourists. The Romans eventually built magnificent temples over a massive multi-level platform considered to be one of the only prediluvial sites that survived the flood. Here we find the amazing 1,000-plus ton stones as part of the original temple platform. The largest cranes in the world would have difficulty lifting, let alone moving, these massive limestone blocks.

Dragon Legacy : Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline
Catalog #: SKU0800

Although it may appear elitist, when the old families observe that the Dragons are being misrepresented to the extent that everybody wants to become one, the time-honoured consensus of feeling among them is compounded. They see that it inevitably leads to a gap in the market being filled, resulting in yet another impudent impertinence being perpetrated.

Popol Vuh
Catalog #: SKU0802

The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America- When the Spanish took over Central America in the 16th and 17th centuries they made certain to destroy the writings and holy books of the native Mayans in an effort to convert them to Christianity. Few texts survived, yet one did of the highest importance. It is called The Popol Vuh. It is the creation story of the Mayan culture

Vedas, The
Catalog #: SKU0803

The holy book of the Hindus. This is one of the oldest and most important of the world's holy books. It is primarily composed of hymns, poems, incantations and rituals from ancient India. Not only is this the

Enuma Elish - The Seven Tablets of Creation
Catalog #: SKU0804

The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World
and of Mankind. This is one of the oldest stories known to mankind, first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. It is receiving renewed interest from modern researchers exploring the origins of mankind, the earth, and the solar system. The story reveals how the planets became aligned, how a cosmic catastrophe affected the earth, how mankind came upon the scene, and how the

Dragons and Dragon Lore
Catalog #: SKU0806

This rare and fascinating book is filled with incredible information about he oldest mythological story in the world -- that of the dragon. Similar stories exist worldwide, in all cultures, of this elusive and powerful creature. The author states that the dragon is connectd with the powers and doings of the earliest gods, and like them is vague, changeable and contradictory in its attributes, maintaining from first to last only one definable characteristic -- association with and control of water.

Great Secret, The
Catalog #: SKU0813


Beasts, Men and Gods
Catalog #: SKU0816

In the beginning of the year 1920 I happened to be living in the Siberian town of Krasnoyarsk, situated on the shores of the River Yenisei, that noble stream which is cradled in the sun-bathed mountains of Mongolia to pour its warming life into the Arctic Ocean and to whose mouth Nansen has twice come to open the shortest road for commerce from Europe to the heart of Asia.

Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria
Catalog #: SKU0838

From the time of the Greeks and the Romans onwards volumes have been written about every people who in their turn have filled the stage of history. The political institutions, the religious beliefs, the social and domestic manners and customs have all been analyzed and catalogued, and countless works in many tongues record for our benefit the march of progress.

Mystery of Francis Bacon
Catalog #: SKU0842

Is there a mystery connected with the life of Francis Bacon? The average student of history or literature will unhesitatingly reply in the negative, perhaps qualifying his answer by adding:--Unless it be a mystery that a man with such magnificent intellectual attainments could have fallen so low as to prove a faithless friend to a generous benefactor in the hour of his trial, and, upon being raised to one of the highest positions of honour and influence in the State, to become a corrupt public servant and a receiver of bribes to pervert justice.

W M Flinders Petrie Collection : 7 Books in Two Large Volumes
Catalog #: SKU0844

The Great Pyramid has lent its name as a sort of by-word for paradoxes; and, as moths to a candle, so are theorisers attracted to it. The very fact that the subject was so generally familiar, and yet so little was accurately known about it, made it the more enticing; there were plenty of descriptions from which to choose, and yet most of them were so hazy that their support could be claimed for many varying theories.
