Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Self-Aware Universe
Catalog #: SKU0653

How Consciousness Creates the Material World - In this stimulating and timely book, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., shatters the widely popular belief held by Western science that matter is the primary "stuff" of creation, and proposes instead that consciousness it the true foundation of all we know and perceive.

Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries
Catalog #: SKU0654

Pixies, elves, brownies, dwarfs, leprechauns, and the other enchanted little people: where do they come from? Folklorists consider them the byproducts of ancient religious beliefs, occultists term them nature spirits, and the peasantry call them fallen angels-creatures neither good enough for redemption nor bad enough to be forever lost

Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU0684

This study of our subtle body is based on the works of Theosophical authors and noted clairvoyants, including H. P. Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant. The astral body is the vehicle of feelings and emotions seen by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colors.

Practical Magic of Numerology
Catalog #: SKU0725

A new approach to this old-age science guiding you through your own journey - Our DAY of Birth, our MONTH of Birth and our YEAR of Birth, supply the basis of our journey and the definition of these NUMBERS never change, though they encompass a much broader view than I've given. In fact, our choices are endless. We need to observe and feel each Number's vibration to become familiar with them, for they will always be there to be taken advantage of.

Power of the Dragon
Catalog #: SKU0726

The Power of the Dragon is a masterpiece of incredible information based on the esoteric power of the nodes of the moon. Free of mathematical jargon, this book divulges the secrets of what it means to be human. More insights and discernment is induced by the Dragon than in an entire conventional astrological chart.

Palmistry Revealed
Catalog #: SKU0727

The ancient science of palmistry has long fascinated those who seek to examine the past and discovered what the future holds. For answers to the questions we all have about life- from love, marriage and children to health, career and talents- we need look no further than the palm of our hands.

Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar
Catalog #: SKU0732

Solving the Oak Island Mystery - When the Order of Knights Templar was ruthlessly dissolved in 1307 by King Philip the Fair of France it possessed immense wealth and political power, yet none of the treasure the Templars amassed has ever been found. Their treasure is rumored to contain artifacts of spiritual significance retrieved by the order during the Crusades, including the genealogies of David and Jesus and documents that trace these bloodlines into the royal bloodlines of Merovingian France.

Montsegur and the Mystery of the Cathars
Catalog #: SKU0733

On March 16, 1244, over 200 Cathars were captured in their fortress stronghold of Montségur and were burned alive by troops of the Inquisition. While some Cathar enclaves survived into the next century, this was the death blow to a religion that had been a powerful symbol of Occitain sovereignty against the designs of the French monarchy and the papacy.

New Encyclopedia of the Occult
Catalog #: SKU0739

From Aarab Zereq to Zos Kia Cultus, this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to the history, philosophies, and personalities of Western occultism.

Written by an occult scholar and practitioner with the assistance of hundreds of experts in the field, this volume presents the latest in scholarly research and points out errors in previous writings-revealing truths much more interesting and dramatic than the fictional histories that obscured them.

Ultimate Dictionary of Dream Language
Catalog #: SKU0741

One-third of your life is spent in the dream world where your subconscious is delivering messages in symbolic language. While your body rests, your dreams are dealing with your fears, frustrations and hopes. Your dreams are sending you messages about your past, present and future that can help you in your waking hours. Learn what these dream messages say about love, success, numbers and money.

Secrets in the Fields : Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles
Catalog #: SKU0744

They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on fields of almost ripened grain. Nobody knows how they got there, or why. They leave the grain stalks in swirls, virtually undamaged. They exhibit mathematical precision. They demonstrate principles of geometry. They portray ancient religious symbols.

UFO Mysteries : A Reporter Seeks the Truth
Catalog #: SKU0748

"UFO Mysteries is one of the best works on the subject of UFOs since Jacques Vallee's seminal 1965 Anatomy of a Phenomenon. Sutherly has blended skillful writing with the determination of a true investigator to produce an objective and introspective look at one of the greatest enigmas humankind has so far faced."

9-11 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold
Catalog #: SKU0760d

Only by "exposing the creators" of the first Wold Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11. We failed to make it ..


Adepts of Deceit - Volume 1
Catalog #: SKU0780

Without doubt, this book and the ensuing volumes will set a benchmark for exposing the Agenda that is laid before us. The truth's herein will shock you, and may even terrify you. Do not be deceived into thinking that conspiracies do not exist-they do; Jesus was conspired against, as was J.F.K, as was Caesar. One thing you can be certain of after reading this great work is that there is hope for us all who are willing to believe after presented with the facts. Read the book and you will know.

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 2
Catalog #: SKU0783

There are going to be some interesting topics concerning the way banks conduct business and the most important part is how they conduct the business of others. To the uninitiated reader some of these procedures are going to be a very nasty surprise. The things I learned and therefore sharing with you had upset me greatly. Being sold out was not supposed to be an option of the American Dream. If people knew this on a whole, how far would the rage reach?
