Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
For centuries the words "paranormal" or "occult" have been associated with words such as insanity, mental illness and even "evil". But now, evidence is beginning to emerge that could show paranormal researchers as nearer reality than the skeptical community!
Tempest & Exodus describes the dramatic discovery of large biblical quotation on an ancient Egyptian stele. When compared to the biblical equivalent the text appears to be two separate accounts, from both the Egyptian and the Israelite perspective, of a conference in Egypt discussing the way in which the biblical exodus should be organised.
Explore the rich family life of the people from the Lost Continent of
Lemuria, who have been living Underground for the past 12,000 years; and
who, due to their isolation from the surface population, have created a
civilization of peace and abundance, with no sickness, aging or
Scientists using what little they understand of this incredible technology have tried to replicate it in a laboratory without the spacecraft. Their ultimate goal is to create a method of teleporation, much like you see on Star Trek, where you can 'beam' yourself to another location. So far the tests have not been successful, in fact, have led to some devasting failures, with an appalling loss of some brilliant people.
The public release of an Air Force commissioned research paper about the possibilities of teleportation was met with some brief attention from the press and scorn from the scientific community.
Investigation into the Power of the Mind and Thought.
If the lower animals on earth are capable of telepathy, why not man?
His legend and his power have grown throughout two generations, in five astonishing volumes. In this landmark work, the legendary don Juan concludes the instruction of Castaneda with his most powerful and mysterious lessons in the sorcerer's art. It is a dazzling series of visions that are at once an initiation and a deeply moving farewell.
ROMAN religion, as we meet it in historical times, is a congeries of many elements. One of the problems of the modern scholar is to separate and interpret these various elements--primitive, Latin, Etruscan, Greek, Oriental.
A New Scientific Revolution is quietly underway... The Synchronized Universe, reveals that the tapestry of modern science is showing a few tatters...There are many things modern science cannot explain, and yet they occur anyway. This includes phenomena in the "hard sciences" as well as in the paranormal. These effects are now being proven in the laboratory, even though they defy present scientific theory. These unfolding mysteries point the way to a new, deeper science, a science which no longer denies spirit and consciousness, but acknowledges and embraces them.
One of the most unexpected results of the critical study of these symbols is the establishment of their essential paucity. They undergo, alike by devolution and evolution, and a sort of ceaseless interfusion also, infinite permutations of both type and meaning, but in their earliest monumental forms they are found to be remarkably few.
SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANTcould be considered as a sequel to this author's book, THE DAYS BEFORE TOMORROW since it envelops many of the atrocities of governmental laws that are now forcing the issue of human survival throughout America and the world. It deals with the trials and tribulations everyone must succumb to in order to preserve our democracy and our freedoms.
SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANTcould be considered as a sequel to this author's book, THE DAYS BEFORE TOMORROW since it envelops many of the atrocities of governmental laws that are now forcing the issue of human survival throughout America and the world. It deals with the trials and tribulations everyone must succumb to in order to preserve our democracy and our freedoms.