Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
Ms. Besant, in this short lesson, teaches about man's physical, astral, and spiritual bodies.
Written in 1654, the Hieroglyphic Monad by John Dee - an esoteric, alchemical text from the Middle Ages.
How much does luck play into our lives and goals? How much do the stars control events that affect us? Are numbers lucky? Do certain times benefit us or harm us? This book has the details.
The experience of one man into the world of spiritism, seances, and clairvoyance.
"The word was God." That "word is Truth." Truth can never change, or it would contradict itself. Past, present, and future, must be governed by immutable laws. Experience is acquired by the careful study of history, and the present condition of all things.
William Wynn Westcott (1848-1925) was an English Freemason, Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and co-founder the Golden Dawn. His original 1890 work on numbers was recognized as a significant treatise and of value to all students of numerology.
"This book is an excellent primer for those who desire to begin the greatest journey of their life-the journey int to realm of psychic development. Denning and Phillips knowledgeably point you in the right direction, and then they provide sound exercises to start you on your journey. How far you go is up to you, but this is the book to get you started."
Investigation and Experiences of Reincarnation
Divination, omens, apparitions, forewarnings, sorcery, demonology, dreams, predictions, visions, etc.
A little while ago I delivered a lecture on "Superstition," in which, among other things, I said that the Christian world could not deny the existence of the Devil; that the Devil was really the keystone of the arch, and that to take him away was to destroy the entire system.
I, Thoth, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the Halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.
A TRUE ghost story that still haunts a town in Canada.
A rundown of the Whitechapel Murders that started on April 3, 1888 and, excepting newspapers, may be the first published account of the acts of Jack the Ripper, only 7 years after the first murder.
Psychometry: The ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it. Are you perhaps a divine oracle?