Beyond Reality
Mysteries Explored
Joseph McMoneage is a "remote viewer" and former psychic spy for the U.S. Army. Presenting an incredible vision of our future through the year 2075, he covers world population, aging, crime, technology, environmental issues, and more, including a vision for the year 3000.
Studies into several esoteric realms, starting with the importance of the Blazing Star to faith.
Is the hollow earth Satan's domain and kingdom?
From one of the best theologians of his era, his research into the oddity of the twins and their importance in religion is invaluable. The twins show up in Christianity and Judaism in the sacred texts, having a unique position in those religions, Jacob-Esau, Lea-Rachael, Jesus-Thomas, and possibly Cain-Abel.
The ancient world believed that disease was brought by spirits, evil spirits. Now with modern science discovering the way disease is airborne, food-borne and spread, perhaps the ancients weren't all that far off.
A look into the strange presumption of most religions of God-Sex with human women, producing gods from their offspring. A cabalistic or esoteric view of the spiritual wedding and marriage.
Learn the techniques and definitions of the ancient art of palmistry practiced in India.
Few Christians today realize that mysticism was once an integral of that religion.
A scholarly study into the origin of the worship and idolization of twins in most religions. This shows that Zeus himself was a twin, like Jesus and Thomas.
Mark Twain also wrote this children's version of the story of Joan of Arc. TGS Publishing has maintained all the original drawings, layout, and the color pictures for children.
Almost all persons dream, and while dreaming they see and hear, touch and taste, without questioning for a moment the reality of these experiences. The dreaming person loses sight of the fact that he is in a bedroom of a particular house, that he has certain relations with others sleeping in the same house. He loses sight of the fact that his name is, let us say, Henry, and that he is famous for the manufacture of a particular brand of soap or cheese.
A PETRIFIED GIANT Ten And One-Half Feet High Discovered In Onondaga County, N.Y.
History of the discovery on October 16, 1869, of an image of stone, the same being a perfectly formed and well developed man, descriptions of the petrification, with the opinions of scientific men thereon.
An object scientific view of the Mississippi Mound discoveries, giving the Native Americans more credit for the mounds and artifacts, rather than a lost race.
Now first of all produced out of darkness into the light, against all caco-Magicians, and contemners of the gifts of God; for the profit and delectation of all those, who do truely and piously love the creatures of God, and do use them with thanksgiving, to the honour of God, and profit of themselves and their neighbours.