Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Cell of Self-Knowledge - Seven Early English Mystical Treatises
Catalog #: SKU3024

The seven tracts or treatises before us were published in 1521 in a little quarto volume: "Imprynted at London in Poules chyrchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte, by Henry Pepwell. In the yere of our lorde God, M.CCCCC.XXI., the xvi. daye of Nouembre."

Caverns, Cauldrons, and Concealed Creatures (1st Edition)
Catalog #: SKU0111

The first book of its kind in terms of truly going in-depth to examine the striking similarities between folklore, religious, mythic, "new age," fictional, and first-hand witness or historical accounts of cryptid and reptilian figures.

Caverns, Cauldrons, & Concealed Creatures : Expanded 2nd Edition!
Catalog #: SKU1515

Human history and culture are permeated and surrounded by long-standing traditions, folk-beliefs, and purported experiences of encounters, interactions, and conflicts with "others." These others are not human beings, as we would use the term, and do not always conform to those controlling conditions which we tend to think of as "natural law," or as more recently defined, "the laws of physics."

Casual Body and the Ego
Catalog #: SKU1926

This book forms the fourth, and last, of the series of compilations dealing with the bodies of man. Throughout the series the same plan has been adopted. When we come to study the causal body of man, we enter upon a new phase of our work, and must take a far wider sweep in our purview of man's evolution. The reason for this is, that whilst the etheric, astral and mental bodies exist for one human incarnation only

Call Goes Out : Messages From The Earth's Cetaceans
Catalog #: SKU0335

"We are the Cetaceans, your oceanic brothers and sisters, here to work along with you to preserve and care for our home on earth. We are here in our full consciousness, waiting patiently for Earth's children to bloom into the caretakers you were meant to be. We are all connected as one."

Breath of Life
Catalog #: SKU1292

As life nears its end with me, I find myself meditating more and more upon the mystery of its nature and origin, yet without the least hope that I can find out the ways of the Eternal in this or in any other world. In these studies I fancy I am about as far from mastering the mystery as the ant which I saw this morning industriously exploring a small section of the garden walk is from getting a clear idea of the geography of the North American Continent. But the ant was occupied and was apparently happy, and she must have learned something about a small fraction of that part of the earth's surface

Breaking the Godspell : The Politics of Our Evolution
Catalog #: SKU0796

Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, afford a generic definition of human nature, and the potential to rethink the planet. We are about to step out of racial adolescence into stellar society.

Books of Esdras
Catalog #: SKU1268

SCARCELY any department of theological science has, in the last few decades, received such marked attention and cultivation as that branch for which the Germans have adopted the felicitous appellation Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte,-the study of the age of Christ in its political, social, and religious aspects. The Schodde Translation of the Book of Enoch of 1882.

Books of Enoch Large Print Edition
Catalog #: SKU1285

Enoch 1: Translated by R.H. Charles & Richard Laurence : Enoch 2: "Secrets of Enoch" : These books were denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and shredded-and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago.

Book of Witches
Catalog #: SKU3958

The author's goal is to show where the witch came from and why, as well as what she was and is, and how necessary she is and must be, for the happiness of mankind.

Book of the Words
Catalog #: SKU2032

A rare reprint of Albert Pike's Book of the Words - It is a study into the origin and meaning of those words/phrases peculiar to the art of Freemasonry. This reprint is a facsimile edition.

Book of the Damned
Catalog #: SKU1696

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems
Catalog #: SKU3878

FROM remotest times, back even to the birth of humanity, Precious Stones and Talismans have been held in high estimation by all nations; the former, primarily because of their beauty, and the latter on account of their virtues, as transmitters of good luck and to avert misfortune.

Book of Medicines
Catalog #: SKU3029

This Set of Two Books is a facsimile reproduction of Budge's hard to find work on Syrian Medicines in the Ancient World. This edition has been reproduced from scans for the layman, removing over 600 pages of Syriac text, that was intended for the scholar. This is a Set of Two Books with 985 pages of the English Translation of the Syriac.

Book of Mars, The
Catalog #: SKU2518

Mars, the planet of mystery, and the planet of hope for a future for the human race in this solar system. This book is a history of the study of Mars and a scientific look at Mars' possibilities and difficulties.
