Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Days Before Tommorrow
Catalog #: SKU0005a

The Days Before Tommorrow expands on the details in "Mysteries of the Pyramid," bringing the author's view of how Christianity plays a role in the prophecies. Admittedly the theories are not typical mainstream theologies which are popular today in Christianity, but Lewis has researched and presented his views very well in an easy to read format.

David H. Lewis Collection (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0007

Own the Entire Lewis Library

David H. Lewis Collection
Catalog #: SKU0007a

Own the Entire Lewis Library

Daedalus or Science and the Future
Catalog #: SKU1165

This TGS Reprint is a challenging essay on whether mankind will survive the Future of Science if all we do is direct it towards killing our fellow man and destroying civilizations and the planet. Will man correct his ways and direct the science towards the good of mankind? The essay reflects the inward struggle that man better heed, for his own good. Includes a brief description of the story/myth of Daedalus.

Da Vinci Code
Catalog #: SKU0628

This masterpiece should be mandatory reading. Brown solidifies his reputation as one of the most skilled thriller writers on the planet with his best book yet, a compelling blend of history and page-turning suspense. Highly recommended. LIBRARY JOURNAL

Catalog #: SKU4146

As one distressed UFO researcher put it, Ever since organized flying saucer research began, a disturbing number of serious investigators have suffered personal harassment, unusual accidents and even mysterious deaths. In some cases, sinister voices have whispered threats over the telephone and warned certain researchers to terminate specific projects they were focused on.

Curiosities of the Sky
Catalog #: SKU1744

Some of the things described in this book are little known to the average reader, while others are well known; but all possess the fascination of whatever is strange, marvelous, obscure, or mysterious - magnified, in this case, by the portentous scale of the phenomena.

Cult of the Heavenly Twins
Catalog #: SKU2817

A scholarly study into the origin of the worship and idolization of twins in most religions. The twins show up in Christianity and Judaism in the sacred texts, having a unique position in those religions, Jacob-Esau, Lea-Rachael, Jesus-Thomas, and possibly Cain-Abel.

Cry of the Eagle : Toltec Teachings Vol 2
Catalog #: SKU0560

From a Toltec perspective, questions relating to the role and purpose of dreaming, can only be answered if dreaming is viewed within the context of an overall framework. To this end, the chapters that precede those on dreaming address such issues as, "What is life?" "Death - its nature" and "What are dreams?".

Catalog #: SKU2320

William Oribello was one of the unsung adepts of our age, teaching people the occult, the arcane, the mysteries, magick, kaballah, spell making, etc. These two books now reprinted by Timothy Green Beckley's Inner Light Publications are very rare indeed.

Cosmic Memory : Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Akashic Record
Catalog #: SKU1628

Cosmic Memory Prehistory of Earth and Man : RUDOLF STEINER is one of those figures who appear at critical moments in human history, and whose contribution places them in the vanguard of the progress of mankind.

Cosmic Forces Of Mu Vol.2
Catalog #: SKU0527

The famous MU series by Col. James Churchward who spent his lifetime researching the vanished Pacific continent and super-civilization of Mu. This volume traces the birth of the Earth according to the Cosmic Farces of Mu. As the author writes: `I am now going to take you back...millions upon millions of years before man first trod on the earth, and aeons of time before history commenced to be written.`

Cosmic Fire
Catalog #: SKU3631

In The Cosmic Fire, a Treatise the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatski prophesied he would give, namely the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation.

Conspiracy in the Heavens - Sex, lies and a karma secret
Catalog #: SKU3308

This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them

Conspiracy in the Heavens - Kindle-Emobi Ebook
Catalog #: SKU5000

This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them
