Money Economics
Money History
From history's foremost expert on value and money, Del Mar presents the history of money, without understanding monetary history, one would be ignorant of its role in civilization.
Chairman Turpie announced that Hon. Alexander Del Mar of California, the distinguished writer on finance, was present and would address the Convention. Mr. Del Mar was greeted by much applause and proceeded to the discussion, confining his remarks chiefly to the historical aspect of the question.
A satirical look at the unethical methods the privileged classes obtain their riches.
He compares Solomon gaining of riches as though it is in more modern times.
John Kasson was a Congressman from Iowa that fully understood the failures and misery caused by 'so-called' free trade.
Gold or Silver, or Gold and Silver?? The author explains the importance of metallic money.
IN PRESENTING the Science of Phrenology to you to-night, I make one request, and hope you will grant it as a personal favor to me, that is, that you will dismiss from your minds everything that you ever heard about Phrenology and listen to my argument with your minds freed from the prejudices, favorable or unfavorable, that may have been created by other lecturers upon the subject, for this reason: Large print 14 point font.
The year 1914 has no precedent in Stock Exchange history. At the present time (1915), when the great events that have come to pass are still close to us, even their details are vivid in our minds and we need no one to rehearse them.
It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.
It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.
It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.
Few Americans today recognize the names of men like Congressman Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Sr., father of the famed aviator, who fought against the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and conducted one of the first investigations of 'the Banking and Money Trust in Congress; and of congressman Louis Thomas McFadden.
Men progress in proportion as they are able to fit themselves for life, and to fit life to themselves. Both processes go on unceasingly. Recent economic changes have brought the remotest parts of the world into close contact with "civilization" at the same time that they have increased the dependence of one part of the world upon another part.
I make no use here of theory. I am thinking of definite large business interests in which the evil will remain as common as it is inevitable so long as the business is unregulated and its shady practices concealed from public authorities and public opinion.
Written during the US War of Aggression and Occupation of the Southern States, the author predicted the harm of paper money, not backed by substance. His predictions have come true in the 1890s, 1900s, 1930s, and as late as 2008 when the paper money banksters almost crashed the financial system. Why O Why do the Illiterates of Congress allow this cycle to continue, and each time it bails out the same criminals that caused the bubble to almost burst. In the past 10 years the bubble has inflated 100 times its normal rate.... will we all have to suffer because of illiterate, greedy, politicians since the banksters want it all?
The Fatalism of Laissez Faire, its doom of successful employment.