The Human Mind
Mind and Brain Studies
From one of the world's greatest psychologists and therapist, a study into the dream world. Every angle of dreams is studied and reviewed.
The dream world. Fantasy or Subconscious Reality? Dreams play an important part of man's life on earth.. to what measure do they control our actions? What internal secrets do we enjoy only in our dreamworld?
The author presents various case histories of multiple personality disorder.
The purpose of this book is to provide understanding of the relationship between childhood trauma and serious mental illness.
his is not a book on theory or purpose of will, but a real 'how to' develop and practice your own will. Many exercises are included on developing your will power. Remember this, all that you will ever know in this world, every iota of knowledge you will ever possess, comes to you through your Five Senses. A child without Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste or Smell never would gain any knowledge, it would be but a physical machine absolutely devoid of the ability to know, think, reason or understand.
To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.
Adepts tell us that every person has this ability.. and it's up to us to learn how to tune into these gifts.
Mind is the active agent, the creator, and matter, the opposite energy, is the plastic substance of creation. The two spring simultaneously into existence, the first impressing and shaping the second according to its original or archetypal ideas. Hence all material creation is formed over the patterns of heavenly or spiritual ideation. Divine thoughts may be said to be the molds into which the energies of divine will pour the fluid essence of substance in order to shape the universe projected in mind and purpose.
An in depth study of brainwashing used by governments, military, and others against mankind, with stories of how to defeat such attempts from those who succeeded. The author was a respected scholar in this field of study, and supplied Congress with valuable information about brainwashing.
I revert to the impossibility of making an addition without a swerve of imagination, because plastic figures are always ready before the calculator. The man of imagination is always constructing by means of plastic images. Life possesses him, intoxicates him, so he never gets tired.
I somehow have always disliked the terminology literary criticism, though most of what is contained in these essays would be classified as such. For most people the word criticism carries negative connotations, as in "The judges were very critical of the performance," or "Why should he be the subject of so much criticism?"
A study into the relationship of passions turning into insaniy then to criminal acts.
The mind has all the power one ever needs to cure the body or talk to the dead.
The subject of this book is more of a monster when it comes to crimes against humanity, than any Frankenstein or horror movie. Yet, we toss around his name, not knowing or realizing what this man-monster was all about. Few figures in history rise to the fame as does the Marquis De Sade for being infamous. His crimes were well known during his lifetime -- and the strangest anomaly is that the society of his era accepted these crimes without much ado.
TELEPATHY, or mind-reading: that is to say, can one human mind communicate with another human mind, except by the sense channels ordinarily known and used-seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and touching? Can a thought or image in one mind be sent directly to another mind and there reproduced and recognized? If this can be done, how is it done? Is it some kind of vibration, going out from the brain, like radio broadcasting?
In the mind of the general public Theosophy is classed with Spiritualism, New Thought, Unity and Christian Science, as one of the modern cults. It needs but a slight acquaintance with the facts in the case to reveal that Theosophy is amenable to this classification only in the most superficial sense. Though the Theosophical Society is recent, theosophy, in the sense of an esoteric philosophic mystic system of religious thought, must be ranked as one of the most ancient traditions. It is not a mere cult, in the sense of being the expression of a quite specialized form of devotion, practice, or theory, propagated by a small group.