
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses
Magic Agent, The (Digital Download Edition)
My New Book of Shadows



Heaven Sent Money Spells
Catalog #: SKU3547

I know of what I speak when I tell you she has always relied upon God's help for guidance and inspiration. Whether she is harnessing very traditional Christian sentimentalities or depending upon more paganistic stimulation, the gifted psychic always calls upon the Divine Creator for her most important inspirations.

New Magic Era
Catalog #: SKU1980

The Magical Era returns and is the New Magic Era. We are taking components of the old Magical Era and giving them a new expression which better represents the New Planet. As a result of expanding Self, we cannot fit New Self into the Old Magical Era.

Revealing The Bizarre Powers of Harry Houdini
Catalog #: SKU2889

What twelve-year-old boy wouldn't be fascinated by the likes of Harry Houdini, the greatest escape artist who ever lived and an unprecedented talent among magicians? He came along at the height of an international media frenzy where attention was being given for the first time to celebrities on both sides of the great Atlantic Ocean. He also was a master showman who knew the meaning of "hype" well over half a century before the word became part of our lexicon. Above all else, he was a master manipulator on and off the stage. To use a well-worn phrase . . . the spin stops here!

Scottish X Files : Alien Intrusion In Scotland
Catalog #: SKU1922

460 pages of X-Files from the stories coming out of enchanted, but mysterious Scotland. TGS author, Andrew Hennessey, relates 47 stories from the strange, weird and unexplained. Few in America realize that Scotland is a leading area of the world with strange anomolies occurring from ancient times to the present.

Secrets of Egyptian Spellcasting
Catalog #: SKU1559

Magick has been with us since the beginning of time. When man first became aware of himself and his surroundings, he looked up into the heavens and saw the ultimate energies that permeate the universe. The first priests and shamans realized that this universal energy also courses through the very being of all that inhabit this universe, and the infinite number of universes that make up creation.

Sacred Book of Death
Catalog #: SKU2466

An eye opener into a topic seldom discussed in public... DEATH. Yet it holds its impending presence over us from birth.

Quadripartite Mathematical Treatise : Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos
Catalog #: SKU1264

Two Translations of Ptolemy's Treatise on Astrology, Astronomy, Cause and Effect. This is a must read for any student or researcher of Astrology.

Francis Bacon and His Secret Society
Catalog #: SKU1923

A thorough investigation into Francis Bacon's ciphers and secrets. This is a large print, facsimile edition of an original publication.

Catalog #: SKU1252

Many years ago I heard of the existence of this manuscript from a celebrated occultist, since dead; and more recently my attention was again called to it by my personal friend, the well-known French author, lecturer, and poet, Jules Bois, whose attention has been for some time turned to occult subjects. My first-mentioned informant told me that it was known both to Bulwer Lytton and Eliphas Levi, that the former had based part of his description of the sage Rosicrucian Mejnour on that of Abra-Melin, while the account of the so-called observatory of Sir Philip Derval in the Strange Story was to an extent copied from and suggested by that of the magical oratory and terrace, given in the eleventh chapter of the second book of this present work.

Book of Ceremonial Magic
Catalog #: SKU1576

The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.

Candle Burning Magic With The Psalms
Catalog #: SKU3538

This is a book of triple power. It combines a presentation of the magickal virtues within the 150 Psalms of the Holy Bible, the ancient art of candle burning and an unusual method of invoking the Divine Names of Power.

Jewish Magic and Superstition
Catalog #: SKU1718

I hope that the readers of this book will find in it some little contribution to our knowledge of the history of thought-not of Jewish thought alone, but of human thought. For superstition and magic are universal and uniform in their manifestations, and constitute an important chapter in the progress of man's ideas; those minor variations that appear here and there are but reflections of the infinite variety and ingenuity of the human mind.

Magic Agent, The (Digital Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1975

Political Fiction....This novel took off from the premise that history might be something far different from the boilerplate we are given. It might have gigantic holes in it, and through those holes impossible events and circumstances might enter.

Modern Magic
Catalog #: SKU3605

The main purpose of our existence on earth-aside from the sacred and paramount duty of securing our salvation-is undoubtedly to make ourselves masters of the tangible world around us, as it stands revealed to our senses, and as it was expressly made subject to our will by the Creator.

Catalog #: SKU3548

Did you ever notice that there are some people who seem to always come out ahead in life? You know the ones...they are always at the right time and place to get the very best of everything. They get the best jobs, make a lot of money, are super attractive to the opposite sex, and they make it look so easy. What makes these people especially irritating is that it seems as if they don't try at all for these things that life just tosses everything that they desire right into their laps.
