Our Mysterious Planet Lost Civilizations


Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth

Lost Civilizations


Atlantis : The Book of Angels
Catalog #: SKU1892

All very ancient legend and the most rudimentary history, the vague allusions of Plato, Aristotle and Seneca, speak of a country in the Western Ocean, which would scarcely be likely to be the distant Americas; and I think we may accept those legends as to a land existing in what is now the Atlantic Ocean at about the period discussed, remembering that after all legend is oral history and starts with some foundations.

Atlantis Studies
Catalog #: SKU3487

Overlooked research, pro and con, on the missing continent or island of Atlantis.

Atlantis the Antidiluvian World
Catalog #: SKU0857

Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your State in our histories; but one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valor; for these histories tell of a mighty power which was aggressing wantonly against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean

Catalog #: SKU0795

The word Atrahasis means "extra wise" and refers to the earliest known version of Noah, who built an ark and saved mankind from destruction. This is that story, from ancient Sumeria, which many scholars believe was the original from which all known flood stories came from. This was the most popular story in the ancient world and has survived for over five thousand years.

Avesta - The Religious Books of the Parsees
Catalog #: SKU2328

Originally in 3 Volumes- Now Published in One Book- The Persians (Parsee) were once the cradle of known civilization. Their religions influenced all of today's religions. Sometimes these ancient scriptures would find their way into religious writings and scriptures of other religions.

Aztec Land
Catalog #: SKU3891

Bordering upon the United States on the extreme southwest, for a distance of more than two thousand miles, is a republic which represents a civilization possibly as old as that of Egypt; a land, notwithstanding its proximity to us, of which the average American knows less than he does of France or Italy, but which rivals them in natural picturesqueness, and nearly equals them in historic interest.

Aztec Research
Catalog #: SKU3980

Research of the Aztec civilization that didn't make it into a published book.

Babylon of Egypt
Catalog #: SKU2501

Cairo was once named Babylon... and showed up on ancient maps as Babylon.
Here's a brief look at Babylon, Egypt.

Babylonian Story of the Deluge, The
Catalog #: SKU2596

Its easy to compare the parallels and the differences between the Assyrian (also called Chaldean and Babylonian) version of the great flood to the biblical tale, with E.A. Wallis Budge. Read the story of Gilgamesh (the Assyrian Noah, and the tale of the deluge, including brief histories of the discoveries of the tablets.

Beasts, Men and Gods
Catalog #: SKU0816

In the beginning of the year 1920 I happened to be living in the Siberian town of Krasnoyarsk, situated on the shores of the River Yenisei, that noble stream which is cradled in the sun-bathed mountains of Mongolia to pour its warming life into the Arctic Ocean and to whose mouth Nansen has twice come to open the shortest road for commerce from Europe to the heart of Asia.

Beyond Our Galaxy
Catalog #: SKU0002a

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Beyond Our Galaxy (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0002

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Bhagavad-Gita - The Song Celestial
Catalog #: SKU0810

Bhagavad-Gita is one of the most well-known and important holy books of the world. In all of Indian literature none is more quoted than this work, which is considered to be the main religious text of Hinduism.

The wisdom it conveys provides guidelines for daily living that have been followed for centuries, including India's greatest spiritual leader, Mahatmas Gandhi.

Blonde Race and the Aryan Culture
Catalog #: SKU2363

The Aryan history has been abused by Hitler and White Supremists. However, the true history and study of the Aryan is a mystical and mythical journey.

Book of Medicines
Catalog #: SKU3029

This Set of Two Books is a facsimile reproduction of Budge's hard to find work on Syrian Medicines in the Ancient World. This edition has been reproduced from scans for the layman, removing over 600 pages of Syriac text, that was intended for the scholar. This is a Set of Two Books with 985 pages of the English Translation of the Syriac.
