Our Mysterious Planet
Lost Civilizations
This work now recovers for us those epoch-making culture heroes who originated civilization, with their long-lost real names, personalities and authentic records of achievements and exploits, as truly historical kings of fixed dates, who have left us many of their actual contemporary inscribed monuments, along with full lists of their early kings and dynasties with their regnal years, extending continuously back to the rise of civilization; for they are disclosed as being already at that epoch a scientific people, accustomed to writing and calculation by calendar years and possessed of a keen historical sense.
Is there Biblical confirmation of a hollow earth or underground civilizations? Or scriptural reference to UFOs and/or other worlds of people? This preacher's research may indicate there actually is Biblical support for these ideas.
WHY is this book written? is the most pertinent question asked an author at the outset of composition. It is echoed and re-echoed by critic and reader upon its publication. It certainly appears to be a fair question whenever, the subjects seem so much out of the route of ordinary in formation, as the present volume.
UFOs have been appearing in the heavens since the beginning of recorded history. Thousands of sightings have been made. Hundreds of credible witnesses have experienced close encounters of the first, second and third kind. Yet, forgotten amongst the many dozens of always fascinating accounts are the sightings made at sea. USOs have following our ocean faring vessels, and have been known to light up the sea at night as they head for their "home away from home."
Mysteries of Ancient British Druidism Unveiled; The Original Source of Phallic Worship; Secrets of King Arthur's Court; Creed of the Stone Age Restored; Holy Grael Discovered in Wales.
A scientific look and historical studies into Atlantis and other questions of the ancient world.
South America's ancient civilizations rival those of ancient Africa or Asia. Wilkins sheds much light on these missing peoples, cities, and civilizations.
Follow the author through his trek across the desert that still hides its secrets of past civilizations.
The author's exhaustive research and conclusions of Why the pyramid was built, Who built it, and When it was built.
All of the material in this 5th issue of THE HIDDEN WORLD is being published for the first time anywhere. More than twelve years ago Richard S. Shaver began the writing of a book which he called "The Elder World" in which he intended to tell the whole Shaver Mystery with all the fiction removed, and with all his own research and thinking on it in evidence of its authenticity.
Very few published studies about the Etruscan civilization is available to the researcher and student of antiquity. So we feel lucky to reprint rare research on this lost civilization, so feared and revered by the Romans.
Interesting little book arguing the absurdity of the lost ten tribes of Israel being British.
The possible existence of the Yeti, Sasquatch, and other Abominable Snowman forms has long been a point of conjecture among travelers, naturalists, and scientists. While most of this evidence is circumstantial and inconclusive as yet, it provides a tantalizing mystery filled with enough interest and promise to warrant the attention of both serious students and casual readers.
Egypt, Greece and Italy were the fountain heads of our civilization and the source of our knowledge; to them we can trace, link by link, the origin of all that is ornamental, graceful and beautiful. It is therefore a matter of greatest interest to get an intimate knowledge of the original state, and former perfection, the grandeur, magnificence and high civilization of these countries, as well as of the homes, the private and domestic life, the schools, churches, rites, ceremonies,
The three manuscripts which we possess of the ancient Maya peoples of Central America, the Dresden (Dr.), the Madrid (Tro.-Cort.) and the Paris (Per.) manuscripts, all contain a series of pictorial representations of human figures, which, beyond question, should be regarded as figures of gods.