Our Mysterious Planet Lost Civilizations


Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Secrets of the Mojave
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth

Lost Civilizations


Catalog #: SKU0818

The mediaeval worship of the generative powers, represented by the generative organs, was derived from two distinct sources. In the first place, Rome invariably carried into the provinces she had conquered her own institutions and forms of worship, and established them permanently.

Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright
Catalog #: SKU0830

An analysis of the Prophecies of the Scriptures in regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the many nations of Israel, the Lost Ten Tribes. Rare book first printed in 1902. A notable and immensely significant sign of the times is the revival of interest in Old Testament prophecy that is beginning to be strongly felt in Anglo-Saxon countries.

Story of Atlantis and The Lost Lemuria
Catalog #: SKU0838

From the time of the Greeks and the Romans onwards volumes have been written about every people who in their turn have filled the stage of history. The political institutions, the religious beliefs, the social and domestic manners and customs have all been analyzed and catalogued, and countless works in many tongues record for our benefit the march of progress.

W M Flinders Petrie Collection : 7 Books in Two Large Volumes
Catalog #: SKU0844

The Great Pyramid has lent its name as a sort of by-word for paradoxes; and, as moths to a candle, so are theorisers attracted to it. The very fact that the subject was so generally familiar, and yet so little was accurately known about it, made it the more enticing; there were plenty of descriptions from which to choose, and yet most of them were so hazy that their support could be claimed for many varying theories.

Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon
Catalog #: SKU0845

Incredible research - a must book for any student of astrology. This book includes the cunieform script and the translations.

Twenty Two Goblins : From the Sanskrit
Catalog #: SKU0854

On the bank of the Godavari River is a kingdom called the Abiding Kingdom. There lived the son of King Victory, the famous King Triple-victory, mighty as the king of the gods. As this king sat in judgment, a monk called Patience brought him every day one piece of fruit as an expression of homage. And the king took it and gave it each day to the treasurer who stood near.

Atlantis the Antidiluvian World
Catalog #: SKU0857

Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your State in our histories; but one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valor; for these histories tell of a mighty power which was aggressing wantonly against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean

Book of Tephi
Catalog #: SKU0861

Ancient and Forgotten Manuscript of Tea Tephi. This manuscript evidences a new light on the theory of British Israelism. Perhaps the Hebrews came to Ireland hudreds, perhaps a thousand years before modern accounts states.

Book of Tephi (larger print comb-bound)
Catalog #: SKU0862

Ancient and Forgotten Manuscript of Tea Tephi. This manuscript evidences a new light on the theory of British Israelism. Perhaps the Hebrews came to Ireland hudreds, perhaps a thousand years before modern accounts states.

Ancient Earth Mysteries : Future Technology from the Past
Catalog #: SKU0865

It has been reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods.

Gypsies at Secret Lake
Catalog #: SKU0919

Gypsies at Secret Lake is a science fiction novel from the mysterious and wonderous experiences of author Dorothy Leon.

Finding Lost Atlantis Inside the Hollow Earth
Catalog #: SKU0930

There at the center of the Earth, the Atlanteans still live in peace and tranquility away from the war-like elements of the surface dwellers.

In this work the author take sthe readers on an exploration like no other. Here are tales of polar openings, hidden civilizations, strange underground bases, Admiral Byrds' Top-Secret discoveries at the North and South poles, the central sun, the Shaver Mystery, and must more that will open your eyes to a "new reality" that you probably never realized existed.

Catalog #: SKU0978

In this volume the myths and legends of ancient Egypt are embraced in a historical narrative which begins with the rise of the great Nilotic civilization and ends with the Gr

Spell of Egypt
Catalog #: SKU0982

Enter pristine Egypt of 1911 through the eyes of this author and relive the impressions of ancient Egypt, before World Wars, before Industrialization, before the Modern Era. Mildly illustrated with images from the area of Egpyt the author is revealing. Feel the romance that Egypt holds over the world and awe of Egypt the author feels. Egypt holds a spell over all people of every civilization.

Catalog #: SKU0983

Though the resemblance of early Sumerian tradition to that of the Hebrews is striking, it furnishes a still closer parallel to the summaries preserved from the history of Berossus. The huge figures incorporated in the latter's chronological scheme are no longer to be treated as a product of Neo-Babylonian speculation; they reappear in their original surroundings in another of these early documents, the Sumerian Dynastic List.
