Our Mysterious Planet
Lost Civilizations
Ceylon (Sri Lanka) is ground zero for lost civilizations! Ceylon is the heralded location where God (or the gods) landed upon Earth and set Adam thereon.
The author present evidence that the Americas were well known to the Ancient world, in spite of the 'established' presumptions of history.
Persia is the land of mystery, and the source of modern civilization. It preserved knowledge through the Christian dark ages, and that knowledge preserved was used to catapult civilization into the industrial ages.
The mysteries of Sri Lanka fascinates anyone that looks into its many ancient civilizations. Sri Lanka could be one of the oldest places on Earth that man developed his societies and the birthplace of the gods.
From the oldest records, man's history was preserved in quite complete detail by ancient civilizations in the Indus valley. Their secrets parallel many of the same secrets held by the Jewish Kaballa and other mystical teachings. Perhaps if more would look behind the veil of our past, we'd find the secret to our future.
The lost chronology of Egyptian history is explained, in contradiction to the 'established' view of Egyptian history.
The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.
Whose Famous Deed are Recorded in the Ancient Chronicles. - We've always been entertained by the lore of evil giantss... but seldom are we introduced to the giants that befriended us 'wee' folk.
There is a threaded connection to Egypt in Christianity from Ham, Abraham, and Jesus. Could it be that the Egyptian religion is the acutal progenitor of Christianity?
The Middle East continues to occupy current events, and Iran is becoming a forerunner in all the debates. Iran is also one of the foremost nations preserving its ancient history and supporting archeology in discovering its past. Zoroaster and his relgion that followed had a major impact on Persia, and more than likely the entire civilized world.
Cairo was once named Babylon... and showed up on ancient maps as Babylon.
Here's a brief look at Babylon, Egypt.
Transcripts From The Official Records Of The Guernsey Royal Court, With An English Translation And Historical Introduction. - A study of the withcraft and devil lore once prevalent in the Channel Islands.
The Hebrew and Ghebers have both become lost races and lost civilizations. The Jews of today lay claim to the Hebrew religion and language, but not necessarily to the lost race. This book lays open other possibilities of the origin of the Hebrew people, other than Mesopotamia. Were the Ghebers the real progenitors of the Hebrew race?
Thrice born Hermes is a unique anomoly in the world of mystic literature. Mr. Mead has probably made the most in-depth study of Hermes than any other researcher. Three volumes of facts and details about this man(god?) that has influenced every religion and philosophy.