Our Mysterious Planet
Lost Civilizations
In presenting this volume to the "intelligence of the world," the author is fully aware of the incredulity with which it may meet in many literary minds. Nevertheless, the truths which it contains will remain unmarred by the salient attacks of "critics," when they have passed away and have ceased to be remembered.
The story of unfolding of the esoteric tradition in the Western Hemisphere is told, beginning with the rites and mysteries of the Mayas and Aztecs. Parallels are drawn between the miracles of the North American Indian medicine priests and those of the wonder workers of India.
Read the History of Egypt written about 2500 years ago. It is rare that such an ancient history comes down to us from the ancient ages.
The intelligent thought of the world is ever advancing to a fuller appreciation of the worth of the past to the present and the future. Never before have associations, societies and journals devoted to historical studies been so numerous. All times and tribes are searched for memorials; the remote corners of modern, medieval and ancient periods are brought under scrutiny; and going beyond these again, the semi-historic eras of tradition and the nebulous gleams from pre-historic milleniums are diligently scanned, that their uncertain story may be prefaced to that registered in "the syllables of recorded time."
A good view of the Assyrian culture from one of their own manuscripts. It includes a quick study of the gods of the Assyrians. Interesting to see the ancients faced the same problems of taxes, religions, and making a living as we do today.
Bordering upon the United States on the extreme southwest, for a distance of more than two thousand miles, is a republic which represents a civilization possibly as old as that of Egypt; a land, notwithstanding its proximity to us, of which the average American knows less than he does of France or Italy, but which rivals them in natural picturesqueness, and nearly equals them in historic interest.
Bhagavad-Gita is one of the most well-known and important holy books of the world. In all of Indian literature none is more quoted than this work, which is considered to be the main religious text of Hinduism.
The wisdom it conveys provides guidelines for daily living that have been followed for centuries, including India's greatest spiritual leader, Mahatmas Gandhi.
The greater part of the city is built upon a high hill, which rises from an extensive plain, but several of its circles extend for some distance beyond the base of the hill, which is of such a size that the diameter of the city is upward of two miles, so that its circumference becomes about seven. On account of the humped shape of the mountain, however, the diameter of the city is really more than if it were built on a plain.
The general belief at the present day is that, of the three designations here classed together, only that of the Picts is really historical. The Fians are regarded as merely legendary-perhaps altogether mythical beings; and the Fairies as absolutely unreal. On the other hand, there are those who believe that the three terms all relate to historical people, closely akin to each other, if not actually one people under three names.
This little recognized First American ruin in Arizona was the 1st historical federal monument in the U.S. The natives of the area stated that it was inhabited in the 1500s by the Cibolans. Was this one of the 7 cities of gold that Spain sought in vain for? At one time the complex was reported to be 200,000 square feet in sizw ... and all that remains is this one small protected ruin.
There is a threaded connection to Egypt in Christianity from Ham, Abraham, and Jesus. Could it be that the Egyptian religion is the acutal progenitor of Christianity?
Rampa, in essence, became one of the first to talk of themselves in terms of being a "Walk-In." The lama stated his purpose in entering the body of the westerner .
The Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches of Central America- When the Spanish took over Central America in the 16th and 17th centuries they made certain to destroy the writings and holy books of the native Mayans in an effort to convert them to Christianity. Few texts survived, yet one did of the highest importance. It is called The Popol Vuh. It is the creation story of the Mayan culture
This Edition is a collection of both published works (1893 & 1922) on the Rosetta Stone by E. A. Wallis Budge. Most of this book is in large print with a 14 point font. It includes a translation of the hieroglyphic text of the decree of the Priests of Memphis, as found on the Rosetta Stone and on the Stele of Damanhur. The decree was promulgated in the 9th year of the reign of Ptolemy v. Epiphanes.