Our Mysterious Planet
Lost Civilizations
THERE is in Northern Italy a mountain district known as La Romagna Toscana, the inhabitants of which speak a rude form of the Bolognese dialect. These Romagnoli are manifestly a very ancient race, and appear to have preserved traditions and observances little changed from an incredibly early time.
The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World
and of Mankind. This is one of the oldest stories known to mankind, first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. It is receiving renewed interest from modern researchers exploring the origins of mankind, the earth, and the solar system. The story reveals how the planets became aligned, how a cosmic catastrophe affected the earth, how mankind came upon the scene, and how the
Sæmund, son of Sigfus, the reputed collector of the poems bearing his name, which is sometimes also called the Elder, and the Poetic, Edda, was of a highly distinguished family, being descended in a direct line from King Harald Hildetonn. He was born at Oddi, his paternal dwelling in the south of Iceland, between the years 1054 and 1057, or about 50 years after the establishment by law of the Christian religion in that island; hence it is easy to imagine that many heathens, or baptized favourers of the old mythic songs of heathenism, may have lived in his days and imparted to him the lays of the times of old, which his unfettered mind induced him to hand down to posterity.
As early as 1820 it was known in Europe that in Middle Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile, in the district between Minieh and Siut, there lay the remains of a great city of Ancient Egypt.
In this volume the myths and legends of ancient Egypt are embraced in a historical narrative which begins with the rise of the great Nilotic civilization and ends with the Gr
In spite of the advances in our knowledge of Ancient Egypt which decipherment of many of the monuments of the old Pharaohs has made possible, two basic questions of the first magnitude still remain outstanding in as great uncertainty as in the days of Herodotus. These are the question of the Origin of the Civilization of the Country, and the question of the Dates of its Kings and Dynasties.
In spite of the advances in our knowledge of Ancient Egypt which decipherment of many of the monuments of the old Pharaohs has made possible, two basic questions of the first magnitude still remain outstanding in as great uncertainty as in the days of Herodotus. These are the question of the Origin of the Civilization of the Country, and the question of the Dates of its Kings and Dynasties.
The adventures of a professional artist in the land of the Garden of Eden.
Although it may appear elitist, when the old families observe that the Dragons are being misrepresented to the extent that everybody wants to become one, the time-honoured consensus of feeling among them is compounded. They see that it inevitably leads to a gap in the market being filled, resulting in yet another impudent impertinence being perpetrated.
The Dorians derived their origin from those districts in which the Grecian nation bordered towards the north upon numerous and dissimilar races of barbarians. As to the tribes which dwelt beyond these boundaries we are indeed wholly destitute of information; nor is there the slightest trace of any memorial or tradition that the Greeks originally came from those quarters. On these frontiers, however, the events took place which effected an entire alteration in the internal condition of the whole Grecian people, and here were given many of those impulses, of which the effects were so long and generally experienced.
This book is a picture of life utterly unlike anything we know in the Western world, and one in which occult powers and supernatural happenings play an important part. It is a continuation of the story of a man so completely possessed by the spirit of a Tibetan Lama from the Potala Monastery in Lhasa that he became, in fact, the Lama himself. This Lama suffered a long, arduous imprisonment, survived degradation, starvation, and soul-destroying tortures.
Nothing like this has ever been assembled for the truthseeker before. All known theories that have been written about are brought forward that touch on the Discovery of the Americas. It's rather narrow minded to recognize that Columbus was beaten to the Americas by half a century by Leif Eriksonn, and not know that Afghans, Chinese, Phoenicians, Polynesians, Hebrews, Moslems, Buddhists, Greeks, Romans, Lemurians, and others also landed on American soil prior to 1492, and that Aristotle wrote details about the great Americas, or the Hawaiian island Maui was named after an Egyptian explorer who explored Chile around 290AD. Included in this set is a rare 800 page manusctript of the Buddhist Afghans' journey to the Americas, and a concise History of Vinland by progeny of those valient explorers and colonists.
This is probably one of the most intricate and exhaustive histories written of Rome, particularly the B.C. years of Rome. The author, a Roman senator, wrote this history around 216 A.D. Interestingly, he like Josephus, mentions nothing of a Jesus or a threat of the Christians against Rome. However, there is an interesting expansion of history of the Jewish revolt against Rome, including Jewish cannibalism, from the Roman point of view.
Research into a land and people that is as old as the Noah story.
The three manuscripts which we possess of the ancient Maya peoples of Central America, the Dresden (Dr.), the Madrid (Tro.-Cort.) and the Paris (Per.) manuscripts, all contain a series of pictorial representations of human figures, which, beyond question, should be regarded as figures of gods.