I somehow have always disliked the terminology literary criticism, though most of what is contained in these essays would be classified as such. For most people the word criticism carries negative connotations, as in "The judges were very critical of the performance," or "Why should he be the subject of so much criticism?"
A study into the lives to two mysterious figures in history, whose paths crossed more than once. The men are as distinct as two side of a metal coin, when one is seen the other invisible.
Whose Famous Deed are Recorded in the Ancient Chronicles. - We've always been entertained by the lore of evil giantss... but seldom are we introduced to the giants that befriended us 'wee' folk.
The autobiography of Frank Harris. Follow the loves and travels, friends and colleagues of this famous author and journalist.
A TGS reprint from a magazine style article of the 1800s. Jane Austin, a widely published author, was a frequent visitor of Orchard House, where Louisa May Alcott lived. She and Louisa often wrote together.Both authors deviated from their standard popular fiction to write lurid tales of gothic romance, mystery and horror.
A satirical look at the unethical methods the privileged classes obtain their riches.
He compares Solomon gaining of riches as though it is in more modern times.
The founders of Texas, the founders of America, knew their world history and the ancient legends. The capitol buildings are blessed with the ancient gods and legends. Perhaps we too should understand what they really stood for.
The study of words, languages, etymologies reveal more about our past, our history, our origins than most people know. Each word is a mystery in itself. According to Jewish traditions the world was spoken into existence by a word. Words can make or break even famous people.
Epea Pteroenta, presumed to be Greek, has no real meaning in the language. The two words are never used separately. In old translations it is always translated as 'words with wings,' but finds no justification in the Greek for that translation. The book is about the mystery and revelations of what or how words are used and the original meaning or usage.
A study into the methods and style of Da Vinci's drawings and art.
The more one studies about the President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, the more you find he was indeed a great man with many talent and interests. Here Mr. Jefferson authors a teaching text for learning the Anglo Saxon language in its English context.
Originally published in two small volumes, now both volumes reprinted in one book. Historic look at erotic writings of the ancient world. Added by TGS: 16 illustrations representing the period and subject.
Illustrated by TGS Publishing with 30 period illustrations from or about ancient Rome, Pompeii
The Priapeia, now for the first time literally and completely translated into English verse and prose, is a collection of short Latin poems in the shape of jocose epigrams affixed to the statues of the god Priapus. These were often rude carvings from a tree-trunk, human-shaped, with a huge phallus which could at need be used as a cudgel against robbers, and they were placed in the gardens of wealthy Romans, for the twofold purpose of promoting fertility and of preventing depredations on the produce.
Edward Carpenter's translation of this ancient epic tale.
Author looks at how Shakespeare's works refer to astrological elements.