The Law
Law History
The matter contained in these pages has been delivered orally throughout Great Britain, and, with one exception, no Digitized by has been offered to it. Abuse has been plentiful, and threats of prosecution not infrequent.
For a number of years practically all of the literature of Individualist Anarchism has been out of print. The great bulk of whatever matter there was had, of course, been in the hands of Benjamin R. Tucker, and up to 1908 it was being constantly augmented by him.
The Story of her Life, her Achievements, and her Death, as Attested on Oath and Set Forth in the Original Documents. This book is a collection of the historical documents preserved throughout the ages about Joan of Arc.
A study into the relationship of passions turning into insaniy then to criminal acts.
A necessary addition to the study of law history. "Compiled from all the Institutes of our ancient jurists, and in particular from the commentaries of our Gaius on both the Institutes and the common cases, and from many other legal works, these Institutes were submitted to us by the three learned men aforesaid, and after reading and examining them we have given them the fullest force of our constitutions."
"International law, as understood among civilized nations, may be defined as consisting of those rules of conduct which reason deduces, as consonant to justice, from the nature of the society existing among independent nations; with such definitions and modifications as may be established by general consent."
One of the more curious admissions by silence of the US government was the refusal to charge and try Jefferson Davis as a traitor! President Davis did nothing wrong...
Everyone has probably heard from someone else or another author what Jefferson said and what his opinions were. Now read, for yourself, directly from Jefferson's letters and get the feel of what the founding father thought and felt. This book was scanned from a century old book, and we make no apology for the varying quality of print in the book. It is a facsimile of a very old book.
Whatever opinion may be formed as to the merits of this my first work, I would beg my readers not to pronounce me guilty of presumption, in attempting to write on so grave and difficult a subject, as theology. My motives are simply these. I have beheld with grief and shame the efforts made of late by many, who dishonour the name of Israel, to lessen the respect our nation has ever felt for the law of Moses and the traditions of our ancestors. I waited, but found no one in this country, older than myself, attempting to enlighten the minds of my brethren; I could therefore no longer remain silent
This is not a law book. This is not even a 'how-to book.' Gee, I'm not sure what kind of book this is. All I know is that I've been through a federal trial, conviction, and sentencing in the last two years, along with my husband. I learned a lot of things that I believe other people ought to know. So, I guess this is a 'Preparedness Manual' of some sort.
THE Koran admittedly occupies an important position among the great religious books of the world. Though the youngest of the epoch-making works belonging to this class of literature, it yields to hardly any in the wonderful effect which it has produced on large masses of men. It has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character. It first transformed a number of heterogeneous desert tribes of the Arabian peninsula into a nation of heroes, and then proceeded to create the vast politico-religious organisations of the Muhammedan world which are one of the great forces with which Europe and the East have to reckon to-day.
3 treatises in one volume : TEXAS FROM THE FALL OF THE CONFEDERACY TO THE BEGINNING OF RECONSTRUCTION : STATE FINANCES OF TEXAS DURING THE RECONSTRUCTION - In the last days of the summer of 1863 Major John Tyler, son of an ex-President of the United States, and at that time an aid on the staff of General Sterling Price, C. S. A., was making the slow and toilsome journey from his headquarters at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, to Austin, Texas. This had been a disastrous summer for the Confederacy.
If I were asked what, in my opinion, distinguishes the thought of the present day from that of a previous generation, I should feel inclined to say, it is the fact that people are beginning to realize that Thought is a power in itself, one of the great forces of the Universe, and ultimately the greatest of forces, directing all the others.
An Essay On The Right Of Authors And Inventors To A Perpetual Property In Their Ideas - "... the principle of individual property... says that each man has an absolute dominion, as against all other men, over the products and acquisitions of his own labor."
THE Law of Nations, though so noble and important a subject, has not, hitherto, been treated of with all the care it deserves. The greater part of mankind have, therefore, only a vague, a very incomplete, and often even a false notion of it. The generality of writers, and even celebrated authors, almost exclusively confine the name of "Law of Nations" to certain maxims and treatises recognised among nations, and which the mutual consent of the parties has rendered obligatory on them.