The Law Law History


Atlantis Conspiracy
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables
Brief by the Republic of  Texas vs. The United States (book and disk)
Constitution Explained
Commercial Law

Law History


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Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, As It Should Be
Catalog #: SKU4084

Restoring equality of woman in the marriage relationship and society through ancient law, Roman law, English law, from Annie Besant's Theosophical and Hindu background.

Alien Menace
Catalog #: SKU3978

Interesting book, as the same policies keep coming up, over and over, and governments refuse to heed the needs of their own people, who are jobless, hungry, in debt, and no relief in sight. Yet the governments keep granting people that have paid no taxes, have no inherent rights in the nation, all the benefits, which are rightfully due their natural citizens.

Commercial Law
Catalog #: SKU3844

The term "law" is used in many ways. We speak of moral law, law of gravity, divine law, and the like. In each case we are making proper use of the term, but in no instance are we using it as we shall use it in this book.

Institutes of Justinian
Catalog #: SKU3812

A necessary addition to the study of law history. "Compiled from all the Institutes of our ancient jurists, and in particular from the commentaries of our Gaius on both the Institutes and the common cases, and from many other legal works, these Institutes were submitted to us by the three learned men aforesaid, and after reading and examining them we have given them the fullest force of our constitutions."

Contest In America
Catalog #: SKU3787

The cloud which for the space of a month hung gloomily over the civilized world, black with far worse evils than those of simple war, has passed from over our heads without bursting.

History of Prostitution
Catalog #: SKU3781

This history is one of the most exhaustive and most unusual of a 'forbidden' subject. While some of the author's views are tainted (biased) by his religious views, the history from ancient time and the world over is admirable of such a subject. Arguments are unnecessary to prove the existence of prostitution. "When its extent, its causes, or its effects are questioned, a remarkable degree of ignorance or carelessness is manifested. Few care to know the secret springs from which prostitution emanates; few are anxious to know how wide the stream extends; few have any desire to know the devastation it causes."

International Law - Wilson
Catalog #: SKU3689

"International law, as understood among civilized nations, may be defined as consisting of those rules of conduct which reason deduces, as consonant to justice, from the nature of the society existing among independent nations; with such definitions and modifications as may be established by general consent."

A Book of Remarkable Criminals
Catalog #: SKU3663

The silent workings, and still more the explosions, of human passion which bring to light the darker elements of man's nature present to the philosophical observer considerations of intrinsic interest; while to the jurist, the study of human nature and human character with its infinite varieties, especially as affecting the connection between motive and action, between irregular desire or evil disposition and crime itself, is equally indispensable and difficult.

Curiosities and Law of Wills
Catalog #: SKU3596

The making of a last will and testament is one of the most solemn acts of a man's life. Few are so frivolous and indifferent as not to realize the importance of an act which is to live after them, and survive long after the hand that traced it has mingled with its kindred dust. They feel that, however regardless people have been of their sayings and doings, however trivial and unimportant have been their acts in the eyes of others, a certain attention, respect, and weight will be given to so deliberate and serious an act as a man's will.

Impeachment of the House of Brunswick
Catalog #: SKU3519

The matter contained in these pages has been delivered orally throughout Great Britain, and, with one exception, no Digitized by has been offered to it. Abuse has been plentiful, and threats of prosecution not infrequent.

Congressional Government
Catalog #: SKU3508

THE object of these essays is not to exhaust criticism of the government of the United States, but only to point out the most characteristic practical features of the federal system. Taking Congress as the central and predominant power of the system, their object is to illustrate everything Congressional.

On the Duty of Civil Disobedience : Resistance to Civil Government
Catalog #: SKU3494

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically.

Magna Carta
Catalog #: SKU3482

Perhaps the most extensive commentary, research and review of the Magna Carta

Christian Origins of America
Catalog #: SKU3340

In ransacking old court records, newspapers, diaries and letters for the historic foundation of the books which I have written on colonial history, I have found and noted much of interest that has not been used or referred to in any of those books. An accumulation of notes on old-time laws, punishments and penalties has evoked this volume. The subject is not a pleasant one, though it often has a humorous element; but a punishment that is obsolete gains an interest and dignity from antiquity and its history becomes endurable because it has a past only and no future. That men were pilloried and women ducked by our law-abiding forbears rouses a thrill of hot indignation which dies down into a dull ember of curiosity when we reflect that they will never be pilloried or ducked again.

What Was the Gunpowder Plot?
Catalog #: SKU3338

THE following study of the Gunpowder Plot has grown out of the accidental circumstance that, having undertaken to read a paper before the Historical Research Society. I was asked to take the famous conspiracy for my subject. It was with much reluctance that I agreed to do so, believing, as I then did, that there was absolutely nothing fresh to say upon this topic, that no incident in our annals had been more thoroughly threshed out, and that in regard of none, so far, at least, as its broader outlines are concerned, was the truth more clearly established.

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