The Law Law History


Atlantis Conspiracy
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables
Brief by the Republic of  Texas vs. The United States (book and disk)
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Law History


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Individual Freedom
Catalog #: SKU1629

For a number of years practically all of the literature of Individualist Anarchism has been out of print. The great bulk of whatever matter there was had, of course, been in the hands of Benjamin R. Tucker, and up to 1908 it was being constantly augmented by him.

Insanity of Passion and Crime
Catalog #: SKU2677

A study into the relationship of passions turning into insaniy then to criminal acts.

Jefferson's Letters
Catalog #: SKU1258

Everyone has probably heard from someone else or another author what Jefferson said and what his opinions were. Now read, for yourself, directly from Jefferson's letters and get the feel of what the founding father thought and felt. This book was scanned from a century old book, and we make no apology for the varying quality of print in the book. It is a facsimile of a very old book.

Catalog #: SKU0855

The three interlocutors all of them speak in the character of old men, which forms a pleasant bond of union between them. They have the feelings of old age about youth, about the state, about human things in general. Nothing in life seems to be of much importance to them; they are spectators rather than actors, and men in general appear to the Athenian speaker to be the playthings of the Gods and of circumstances.

Mistakes of the Republican Party
Catalog #: SKU2520

Today we hear the Republicans accusing the Democrats of fascism. What a joke considering the Republican Party was the author of Federal Fascism before Hitler was ever born. (Republican Radical Rumps)

Popular "Jihad"
Catalog #: SKU3320

In publishing this work, my chief object is to remove the general and erroneous impression from the minds of European and Christian writers regarding Islam, that Mohammad waged wars of conquest, extirpation, as well as of proselytizing against the Koreish, other Arab tribes, the Jews, and Christians;1 that he held the Koran in one hand and the scimitar in the other, and compelled people to believe in his mission. I have endeavoured in this book, I believe on sufficient grounds, to show that neither the wars of Mohammad were offensive, nor did he in any way use force or compulsion in the matter of belief.

Prisoner for Blasphemy
Catalog #: SKU3323

This little volume tells a strange and painful story; strange, because the experiences of a prisoner for blasphemy are only known to three living Englishmen; and painful, because their unmerited sufferings are a sad reflection on the boasted freedom of our age.

Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Catalog #: SKU0946

In what does man's pre-eminence over the brute creation consist? The answer is as clear as that a half is less than the whole; in Reason.

What Was the Gunpowder Plot?
Catalog #: SKU3338

THE following study of the Gunpowder Plot has grown out of the accidental circumstance that, having undertaken to read a paper before the Historical Research Society. I was asked to take the famous conspiracy for my subject. It was with much reluctance that I agreed to do so, believing, as I then did, that there was absolutely nothing fresh to say upon this topic, that no incident in our annals had been more thoroughly threshed out, and that in regard of none, so far, at least, as its broader outlines are concerned, was the truth more clearly established.

Traitors and Treason
Catalog #: SKU0516

What's your traitor-treason I.Q.? If you can answer the following questions, it's high. If you miss one or more, you should carefully read Traitors & Treason.

Anglo-Saxon Law
Catalog #: SKU2855

Study of Anglo-Saxon law is a precursor to English Common Law. It is important to understand that Anglo-Saxon law is thousands of years old and has evolved during that time to 'fit' the Anglo-Saxon race. For Anglos, laws originating from this system seem natural and normal, but for other races or civilizations the Anglo-Saxon system is foreign, unweildy, and unjust to non-Anglos.

Ecomonic Consequences of the Peace with the Treaty of Versailles
Catalog #: SKU1857

You need not be an adherent or admirer of Keynesian Economics to appreciate the relevancy of this book in the world today. The leaders of the world continue to make the same mistakes of our forefathers in wars, in war losses, and in war victories. The Allied Powers won the Great War.. World War 1, but lost the chance to bring humanity back to an era of peace. By driving the German nation and people into continual bankruptcy, they ignorantly set up Hitler as the coming power for Nazi Germany.

Spirit of American Government, The
Catalog #: SKU2272

A Study Of The Constitution: Its Origin, Influence And Relation To Democracy : It is the purpose of this volume to trace the influence of our constitutional system upon the political conditions which exist in this country to-day. This phase of our political problems has not received adequate recognition at the hands of writers on American politics.

Common Sense With Other Selected Writings
Catalog #: SKU0976


Is Davis A Traitor?
Catalog #: SKU2100

One of the more curious admissions by silence of the US government was the refusal to charge and try Jefferson Davis as a traitor! President Davis did nothing wrong...

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