The Law
Law History
Variously a parish helper to the London poor and a successful New Zealand sheep farmer, Samuel Butler did not treasure the attitudes of his time (the second half of the 19th century). His books were iconoclastic in their attitudes towards Victorian ideals and The Way of All Flesh is foremost among them. It is appropriate, then, that it was published after his death and Queen Victoria's, in 1903.
Study of Anglo-Saxon law is a precursor to English Common Law. It is important to understand that Anglo-Saxon law is thousands of years old and has evolved during that time to 'fit' the Anglo-Saxon race. For Anglos, laws originating from this system seem natural and normal, but for other races or civilizations the Anglo-Saxon system is foreign, unweildy, and unjust to non-Anglos.
You need not be an adherent or admirer of Keynesian Economics to appreciate the relevancy of this book in the world today. The leaders of the world continue to make the same mistakes of our forefathers in wars, in war losses, and in war victories. The Allied Powers won the Great War.. World War 1, but lost the chance to bring humanity back to an era of peace. By driving the German nation and people into continual bankruptcy, they ignorantly set up Hitler as the coming power for Nazi Germany.
A Study Of The Constitution: Its Origin, Influence And Relation To Democracy : It is the purpose of this volume to trace the influence of our constitutional system upon the political conditions which exist in this country to-day. This phase of our political problems has not received adequate recognition at the hands of writers on American politics.
What's your traitor-treason I.Q.? If you can answer the following questions, it's high. If you miss one or more, you should carefully read Traitors & Treason.
The silent workings, and still more the explosions, of human passion which bring to light the darker elements of man's nature present to the philosophical observer considerations of intrinsic interest; while to the jurist, the study of human nature and human character with its infinite varieties, especially as affecting the connection between motive and action, between irregular desire or evil disposition and crime itself, is equally indispensable and difficult.
Bringing the War Home is a war story unlike you will ever read. Drawing on his experiences as a reporter and environmental emergency response worker in the war torn Persian Gulf as well as US Congressional and military records never before assembled in a single volume, William Thomas takes readers from nighttime missile attacks on American forces and frantic cries of "gas, gas, gas!" to the dazed survivors of Baghdad bombing raids and the wreckage-clogged Highway to Hell.
White slavery is slavery in its most vile form, unlike the type slavery the USA had in the 1700-1800s, where the slave auction was open and public, and ownership was transferred by property title. White slavery is abduction, kidnapping, and seducing young boys and women into a hidden world of sexual slavery.
THE object of these essays is not to exhaust criticism of the government of the United States, but only to point out the most characteristic practical features of the federal system. Taking Congress as the central and predominant power of the system, their object is to illustrate everything Congressional.
The fact that there is no modern or even ancient accessible work on the nature and powers of constitutional conventions, has led me to attempt to fill the gap with the present book, which represents no preconceived theory, but rather merely an impartial collection of all the available law and precedent.
This book shows the depth of tyranny and oppression the current presidency has put the USA under. Why then have they not impeached? Begin to understand the depth of betrayal of our Constitution and rights by politicians adhering to the party line, rather than their oath of office.
The Veil Lifted, and Light Thrown On Crime and Its Causes and Criminals and Their Haunts
Most of the world has an idealic view of New York City, promoted by television and the propagandists. This ideal NYC has been promoted even more since the 911 tragedy allowed by the US Government. This manuscript reveals a 'not so pretty' side of this New Babylon of Trade.
Story of one girl's plight dealing with white slavery and the government's blind eye to the atrocities in Chicago.
THE language of Zosimus, according to the judgment of Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, in his BIBLIOTHECA, is concise, expressive, pure, and sweet; but, being a Heathen, he often reproaches the Christian Princes, and is upon that account reprehended by the same Photius, by Evagrius, Nicephorus, and others: it is, however, the opinion of Leunclavius, that Zosimus ought to be believed even in those relations, there being no doubt that the Christian Princes were guilty of many enormities, which could not be passed over by the faithful Historian.
The matter contained in these pages has been delivered orally throughout Great Britain, and, with one exception, no Digitized by has been offered to it. Abuse has been plentiful, and threats of prosecution not infrequent.