TGS Authors
L Savage
The following is the case of and for the people of the Republic of Texas. While referred to as a court case - it is a political question, since no government court or international court has jurisdiction to rule on the facts or its merits. The United States House of Representatives has refused to bring this political question to the floor of the House for over 140 years.
Nothing like this has ever been assembled for the truthseeker before. All known theories that have been written about are brought forward that touch on the Discovery of the Americas. It's rather narrow minded to recognize that Columbus was beaten to the Americas by half a century by Leif Eriksonn, and not know that Afghans, Chinese, Phoenicians, Polynesians, Hebrews, Moslems, Buddhists, Greeks, Romans, Lemurians, and others also landed on American soil prior to 1492, and that Aristotle wrote details about the great Americas, or the Hawaiian island Maui was named after an Egyptian explorer who explored Chile around 290AD. Included in this set is a rare 800 page manusctript of the Buddhist Afghans' journey to the Americas, and a concise History of Vinland by progeny of those valient explorers and colonists.
Before one can begin to explore the Bible vs. Myth, one must define what a myth is, for the purpose of the study. I've seen definitions used that say mythology is fiction, fables, lore, allegory, etc., but the fact we use the coinage, "mythology" tends to make it somewhat different than ordinary fiction and fables. Otherwise, why not call the stories of Venus and Zeus fiction? This collection is a compilation of materials not readily available of serious research into the myths of the Bible and its parallels from other sources.
The term magic can mean different things to different people. In fact, it is a catch-all word used to define things that are indefinable, supernatural, and/or mystical. This collection of articles covers topics from religious magic, natural magic, math magic, mental magic, black magic, white magic, to parlor room magic tricks. Each one is 'A Kind of Magic.'
"It's about time, it's about space, it's a story about the human race".... this was a television entry jingle to a short lived show in the 1960's. "Lost in Space" was the title of a long running television science fiction show. While these were merely cutesy sayings for drawing in an audience, the words of both quotes are quite apropos when contemplating time and space. That's what this massive set is all about, contemplating space and time.
This book is about solutions. Solutions for Texans. Solutions that the entire world can follow and implement. The authors take a stark and frank look at the recent history of the Republic of Texas movement.