As Above So Below
One of the most famous of all magical textbooks. Mathers was a 19th century magician and head of the Order of the Golden Dawn. The ancient manuscripts that compose the book were found in the British Museum and are believed to be the words and instructions of King Solomon. He instructs his followers on how to summon and master spiritual powers, including how to obtain answers to problems from the spirit world.
Hard to find research into various Kabbalistic concepts.
HOW sad an Account have they to give, whose Throats, like open Sepulchres, blast with their Breath (as far as their Venom reaches) the most eminent Gifts of God in Men that bear his Image? Of which did they know the Danger, it could not but make them tremble, to consider how their poisoned Arrows will return and stick in their own Souls : Yet some have not feared maliciously to defame this deep illuminated Man of God. A Man, whose Writings manifestly appear to have been the Dictates of God's Spirit. And the Will of God was made the Rule of his Life, resigning himself to the divine Will, to will and work nothing but according to the Will of God.
Excellent book for an introduction to the Kabbalah.
We take great pleasure in presenting to the attention of students and investigators of the Secret Doctrines this little work based upon the world-old Hermetic Teachings. There has been so little written upon this subject, not withstanding the countless references to the Teachings in the many works upon occultism, that the many earnest searchers after the Arcane Truths will doubtless welcome the appearance of this present volume.
The mystical connection within Judaism, the Kaballah and this is a source material (or what remains of it) for practicing some of the ancient rites practiced by those mystics.
Symbolism, magic, kaballah, mysticism, and more are touched on in this book, a study into the research of Henry Cornelius Agrippa
A kind of mysterious veil hangs over the manner in which spiritual needs were satisfied during the older civilisations by those who sought a deeper religious life and fuller knowledge than the popular religions offered. If we inquire how these needs were satisfied, we find ourselves led into the dim twilight of the mysteries, and the individual seeking them disappears for a time from our observation.
Magic appears to have had its origin on the plains of Assyria, and the worship of the stars was the creed of those pastoral tribes who, pouring down from the mountains of Kurdistan into the wide level where Babylon afterwards raised its thousand towers, founded the sacerdotal race of the Chasdim or Chaldeans.
An odd book on talismanic magic spells because it was published in the author's handwriting instead of type-setting, yet, it is still readable over a hundred years after the original printing. This small book is a treasure trove of information on cabbalistic magic.
This book is for the student who seeks to illuminate his intelligence by the Torch of his own divinity. Let him whose quest is the gratification of a selfish intellectualism beware its pages, for this is a book of hidden mystery and power. Therefore let the mind be pure that it may invite the approach of the Pilgrim Soul and come into a new realization of God's Omnipotence and Justice.
A Christian spiritual, and mystical look at the mythology of Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden.
THE following pages are designed to give the reader a bird's-eye view of the salient features in Jewish mysticism rather than a solid presentation of the subject as a whole. The reason for this will be apparent when one thinks of the many centuries of variegated thought that have had to be packed within the small number of pages allotted to the book. It is this very fact, too, that will possibly give the present treatment of the subject a fragmentary and tentative appearance.
Study into the famous wizards and magicians throughout history.
A new look at the meaning of the Seventh Seal, first related by St. John in his Revelations. This is almost a Christian kabbalistic approach to define or explain the 7th seal. It is much better than the myths that modern preachers propose.