Fiction With Purpose
Get this an' get it straight! Your government couldn't care less about your rights or the rule of law! They're in cahoots with the globalist bankers and the international corporations and they do whatever they want, anywhere they want, to anybody they want and they'll break every law in the book to get it done!
Dreams, magic terrors, spells of mighty power, Witches, and ghosts who rove at midnight hour. The first idea of this Romance was suggested by the story of the Santon Barsisa, related in The Guardian.--The Bleeding Nun is a tradition still credited in many parts of Germany; and I have been told that the ruins of the Castle of Lauenstein, which She is supposed to haunt, may yet be seen upon the borders of Thuringia.--The Water-King, from the third to the twelfth stanza, is the fragment of an original Danish Ballad--And Belerma and Durandarte is translated from some stanzas to be found in a collection of old Spanish poetry, which contains also the popular song of Gayferos and Melesindra, mentioned in Don Quixote.--I have now made a full avowal of all the plagiarisms of which I am aware myself; but I doubt not, many more may be found, of which I am at present totally unconscious.