
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



Hinduism And Buddhism - Set of 3 Volumes
Catalog #: SKU1389

Probably the first thought which will occur to the reader who is acquainted with the matters treated in this work will be that the subject is too large. A history of Hinduism or Buddhism or even of both within the frontiers of India may be a profitable though arduous task, but to attempt a historical sketch of the two faiths in their whole duration and extension over Eastern Asia is to choose a scene unsuited to any canvas which can be prepared at the present day.

Hindu Gods and Heroes
Catalog #: SKU1640

The object of the Editors of is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of goodwill and understanding between East and West-the old world of Thought and the new of Action. In this endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the highest example in the land.

Hieroglyphics of Horapollo : Hieroglyphica Horapollinis
Catalog #: SKU3850

Certainly of all men that suffered from the confusion of Babel, the Egyptians found the best evasion; for, though words were confounded, they invented a language of things, and spake unto each other by common notions in Nature.

Hidden Tyranny
Catalog #: SKU1464

This historic little booklet was written by Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish man who was not happy with the way that the Jewish elite were manipulating politics and world events.

Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU0069

This book is written from a Christian perspective, but is an excellent resource on Freemasonry, nonetheless.

Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon
Catalog #: SKU2372

A study into the lives to two mysterious figures in history, whose paths crossed more than once. The men are as distinct as two side of a metal coin, when one is seen the other invisible.

Hidden Lincoln,The
Catalog #: SKU2334

From the Letters and Papers of William H. Herndon - Abraham Lincoln - History's villan and history's hero. People either love him or hate him. Regardless, the man holds the awe and commands respect of persons of ether view.

Hidden Hand, The
Catalog #: SKU2371

A look into the hidden forces that pushed Germany into war.

Hidden Government
Catalog #: SKU0307

A look at the Hidden Hand as guided by the Protocols and its effects concerning Zionism, anti-Semitism, Palestine, money and exports, the Press, Communism and even Chrisitianity.

Hidden Church of the Holy Graal
Catalog #: SKU1418

IF deeper pitfalls are laid by anything more than by the facts of coincidence, it is perhaps by the intimations and suggestions of writings which bear, or are held to bear, on their surface the seals of allegory and, still more, of dual allusion; as in the cases of coincidence, so in these, it is necessary for the historical student to stand zealously on his guard and not to acknowledge second meaning or claims implied, however plausible, unless they are controlled and strengthened by independent evidence.

Hero-Myths and Legends of the British Race
Catalog #: SKU1901

Men's conceptions of the heroic change with changing years, and vary with each individual mind; hence it often happens that one person sees in a legend only the central heroism, while another sees only the inartistic details of medi

Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine
Catalog #: SKU1244

It is, of course, no easy task to infuse a spirit of originality into matter which has already achieved such a measure of celebrity as have these wild and wondrous tales of Rhineland. But it is hoped that the treatment to which these stories have been subjected is not without a novelty of its own. One circumstance may be alluded to as characteristic of the manner of their treatment in this work. In most English books on Rhine legend the tales themselves are presented in a form so brief, succinct, and uninspiring as to rob them entirely of that mysterious glamour lacking which they become mere material by which to add to and illustrate the guide-book.

Catalog #: SKU3849

St. Paphnutius used to tell a story which may serve as a fit introduction to this book. It contains a miniature sketch, not only of the social state of Egypt, but of the whole Roman Empire, and of the causes which led to the famous monastic movement in the beginning of the fifth century after Christ.

Hermit, The
Catalog #: SKU1574

I, the author, state that this book is absolutely true. Some people who are bogged down in materialism may prefer to consider it as fiction. The choice is yours --believe or disbelieve according to your state of evolution. I am NOT prepared to discuss the matter or to answer questions about it. This book, and ALL my books, are TRUE!

Henry J. Ford Collection : 7 Books and Free CD
Catalog #: SKU1175

This is a rare collection of Henry Ford's most popular works... Including the International Jew Unabriged and Abridged Editions
