Historical Reprints
THE assassination of Abraham Lincoln burst upon the City of Washington like a black thunder-bolt out of a cloudless sky. On Monday, the 3d of April, 1865, Richmond was taken. On the succeeding Sunday (the ninth), General Lee with the main Army of the South surrendered.
Written by one of the early European explorers who wrote about his travels in the Texas Panhandle.
Land piracy was once a problem in the USA. Now land piracy is legitimized through banking laws, and Congress gives the banksters the money to continue the piracy.
In presenting this story for the young the writer has endeavored to give a vivid and accurate life of Jeanne D'Arc (Joan of Arc) as simply told as possible. There has been no pretence toward keeping to the speech of the Fifteenth Century, which is too archaic to be rendered literally for young readers, although for the most part the words of the Maid have been given verbatim.
Mark Twain was not a fan of Christianity, perhaps an atheist, probably agnostic. He wrote three complete books on Joan of Arc that TGS has combined into one volume to make it more affordable. Mark Twain also wrote a children's version of the book, which TGS also republishes.
Tuckey stresses the heroine aspect of the woman, Joan of Arc. "The world has no relic of Joan. Her armor, her banner, the picture of herself... have all disappeared. We possess but the record of a fair face framed in plentiful dark hair, of a strong and graceful shape, of a sweet woman's voice.
Lowell plainly states his work is a work of history, removing unsubtantiated claims and legends about Joan of Arc, honoring her more for her feats, rather than the romance that has grown up around her life. She did deliver Orleans from the English, whether by fighting or by inspiration.
Juleville is making a direct plea to the Church for the canonization of Joan as a saint. Saintliness is not the privilege of any age, or sex, or profession, or mode of life.
Grace stresses the opinion of witnesses and friends to formulate a picture of Joan of Arc of her life.
It was but natural that one who loved and admired all that is good and beautiful and high-minded should have a strong feeling of admiration for the memory of Joan of Arc. On the pedestal of the bronze statue, which my mother placed in her house at Cliveden, are inscribed those words which sum up the life and career of the Maid of Orleans
Whatever opinion may be formed as to the merits of this my first work, I would beg my readers not to pronounce me guilty of presumption, in attempting to write on so grave and difficult a subject, as theology. My motives are simply these. I have beheld with grief and shame the efforts made of late by many, who dishonour the name of Israel, to lessen the respect our nation has ever felt for the law of Moses and the traditions of our ancestors. I waited, but found no one in this country, older than myself, attempting to enlighten the minds of my brethren; I could therefore no longer remain silent
TGS decided to reprint this book by Theordor Herzl, due to his being considered the 'father' of zionism and the restoration of modern day Israel. Further we were sick and tired of hearing conspiracy theorists and ignorant Christian preachers, citing this source to justify their anti-Semitism, and from what we can tell from their words, they have never even read the book!
The first part-The Jew-has a somewhat curious history. Burton collected most of the materials for writing it from 1869 to 1871, when he was Consul at Damascus. His intimate knowledge of Eastern races and languages, and his sympathy with Oriental habits and lines of thought, gave him exceptional facilities for ethnological studies of this kind. Disguised as a native, and unknown to any living soul except his wife, the British Consul mingled freely with the motley populations of Damascus, and inspected every quarter of the city-Muslim, Christian, and Jewish.
The history of Jerusalem from the days of Herod to 1871. An interesting way to present the history, one Christian, one Moslem.
Everyone has probably heard from someone else or another author what Jefferson said and what his opinions were. Now read, for yourself, directly from Jefferson's letters and get the feel of what the founding father thought and felt. This book was scanned from a century old book, and we make no apology for the varying quality of print in the book. It is a facsimile of a very old book.