
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



Sex Radicalism
Catalog #: SKU2550

First men let them VOTE, then they wanted orgasms!!! The author is pushing the limits of equality for women; that have been legislated by men for them for their own good. Dora wants sex equality in the bedroom, as well at the voting booth.

Sex Antagonism
Catalog #: SKU2548

The perpetual war between the sexes explored, and deplored.

SEX and Sex Worship
Catalog #: SKU2156

An exhaustive scientific treatise on Sex, its Nature and Function, and its influence on Art, Architecture, and Religion - Sex Worship and Symbolism

Sex and Repression In Savage Society
Catalog #: SKU2546

How society savages sexual expression, leaving a people with repressed sexuality.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Catalog #: SKU2530

A complete study and history of the Seven great wonders of man's industry and imagination of the ancient world.

Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt
Catalog #: SKU3117

Being A Comparative History Of These Myths Compiled From The "Ritual Of The Dead", Egyptian Inscriptions, Papyri, And Monuments In The British And Continental Museums. The Whole Illustrated With 129 Engravings.

Serpent and Siva Worship : Origin of Serpent Worship
Catalog #: SKU0185

The researches and explorations of travelers, scientists and learned investigators, are every day adding to our knowledge of the Serpent-Cultus. It is rising above the old conception of an obscure and ill-defined superstition, to the dimensions of a religion, distinctly outlined in its characteristic features, and by no means without a recondite metaphysical basis.

Semitic Magic
Catalog #: SKU2637

The origin and practice of magic among the Semitic peoples of the Middle East, including the belief and affects of demons and devils on the people.

Seminole Indians of Florida
Catalog #: SKU3335

Southern Florida, the region to which most of the Seminole have been driven by the advances of civilization, is, taken all in all, unlike any other part of our country. In climate it is subtropical; in character of soil it shows a contrast of comparative barrenness and abounding fertility; and in topography it is a plain, with hardly any perceptible natural elevations or depressions.

Sedentary Indians of New Mexico
Catalog #: SKU3334

The earliest knowledge of the existence of the sedentary Indians in New Mexico and Arizona reached Europe by way of Mexico proper; but it is very doubtful whether or not the aborigines of Mexico had any positive information to impart about countries lying north of the present State of Queretaro.

Secrets of the Vatican
Catalog #: SKU1409

This is scanned facsimile of the original book printed in 1911. We make no apologies for the stray marks, occasional lines, or for the quality of the pages herein. It was a great task, taking hundreds of hours to scan and prepare this book for reprint. The original pages were yellowed with age and very brittle.

Secrets of the Nunneries Disclosed
Catalog #: SKU2473

The Female Convents - The sins of the Holy Sisters exposed, and this hypocrisy continues....

Secrets of The Great City
Catalog #: SKU1803

The City of New York is the largest and most important in America. The world's attention has once again been cast upon 'America's' city since 9-11. However, today, as at the turn of last century, much of idyllic view of New York City is hype and public relation advertising. This book was authored at the turn of the last century, and little has changed in the 'real' NYC in the past hundred years in its social makeup and its caste system.

Secrets of the American Bastile
Catalog #: SKU2760

A series of letters proving the illegal imprisonment of people in the North, during the illegal US federal war against the South

Secrets of Egyptian Spellcasting
Catalog #: SKU1559

Magick has been with us since the beginning of time. When man first became aware of himself and his surroundings, he looked up into the heavens and saw the ultimate energies that permeate the universe. The first priests and shamans realized that this universal energy also courses through the very being of all that inhabit this universe, and the infinite number of universes that make up creation.
