Historical Reprints
Large Print 12-15 pt font - The authors look at the origin of the swastika, decades before it became an icon of the Nazi Party.
Translations of the Ethiopic Histories of Alexander. Full, complete, unabridged reprint of this hard to find book. Alexander the Great still holds the respect of today's military experts. His history should never be set to dust of old libraries, but his life and times should be studied and his wins and his errors learned from. This book gives the most complete history of this marvelous man.
Biography of one of the first writers of the 19th century that promoted the freedom of sex, and releasing people from a puritanical, restricted view of the purpose and meaning of sex.
Elmira was the location of one of the worst prisons and atrocities of the Civil War, yet this author shows how Elmira became one of the first prisons to try and reform criminals.
Esarhaddon was the son and successor of Sennacherib. He rebuilt Babylon, which his father had destroyed, and conquered Egypt. Contents: The Genealogy and Accession of Esarhaddon, and Principal Events of His Reign; List of Texts; System of Transliteration of Assyrian Signs; List of Eponyms; Will of Sennacherib; Titles of Esarhaddon; Esarhaddon's Battle at Khanirabbat; The War Against Nabu-Zir-Napisti-Esir; Expedition Against Abdi-Milcutti, King of Tsidon; Expedition Against Cilicia; Arabian War of Esarhaddon; The Median War; The Buildings of Esarhaddon; The Building of the Palace; The Names of the Eight Kings; The Names of the Twenty-two Kings of The Country of the Hittites and the Sea-Coast; Esarhaddon's Egyptian Campaign; and Names of the Kings Appointed Over Egypt by Esarhaddon.
A full and complete translation of this epic work from the ancients. 75 illustrations with many extra pics added by TGS that artists during the past 2000 years have imagined these characters in their lives and tales.
This Set of Two Books is a facsimile reproduction of Budge's hard to find work on Syrian Medicines in the Ancient World. This edition has been reproduced from scans for the layman, removing over 600 pages of Syriac text, that was intended for the scholar. This is a Set of Two Books with 985 pages of the English Translation of the Syriac.
Originally Published in Two Books, Now in one complete volume. Study into the names and eras of the Pharoahs of Egypt from the 1st Dynasty through the 30th Dynasty. The Ka, Nebti, Horus, Suten Bat, and Ra Names of the Pharoahs
Interesting view of turn of century Chicago's seedy side of life. Facsimile reprint of a compiled book circa 1910. The original publisher took previously published short stories by this author and compiled them into one volume, using the same printing plates as the original short stories.
From the Old Testament Egypt to the New Testament churches of Asia, the author examines prophecies and the society's demise.
THE purpose of this volume is to give a summary of what is known of American Antiquities, with some thoughts and suggestions relative to their significance. It aims at nothing more.
The history of the departure of the Ark of the Covenant from Jerusalem into the care and protection of the Queen of Sheba and Prince Menyelek.
The Queen of Sheba story reconstructed from ancient manuscripts in story form.
The Queen of Sheba story examined from manuscripts discovered at Axum.
In the beginning of the Conquest of America, the attention of Europe was chiefly directed toward the gigantic constructions of Couzco, the high roads carried along the centre of the Cordilleras, the pyramids with steps, and the worship and symbolical writings of the Mexicans.