Historical Reprints
It is from the authentic text furnished by M. Le Roux de Lincy that the present translation has been made, without the slightest suppression or abridgment. The work moreover contains all the more valuable notes to be found in the best French editions of the Heptameron, as well as numerous others from original sources, and includes a résumé of the various suggestions made by MM. Félix Frank, Le Roux de Lincy, Paul Lacroix, and A. de Montaiglon, towards the identification of the narrators of the stories, and the principal actors in them, with well-known personages of the time. An Essay on the Heptameron from the pen of Mr. George Saintsbury, M.A., and a Life of Queen Margaret, are also given, as well as the quaint Prefaces of the earlier French versions; and a complete bibliographical summary of the various editions which have issued from the press.
In this book I have proposed to compare conditions recorded in Roman history with those existing in America that should warn, by reason of the results at Rome. It is not the purpose of this volume to offer a mere textbook or a scholastic essay on historical events. It is not the purpose merely to record those events which led to the destruction of the Roman republic, and with this end our work. The main purpose of this book is to compare events as they transpired in the one republic and in the other.
American antiquities, Remains of the Giants, Geology, Volcanoes, Indian and Egyptian Magic, Somnabulism, Trances, Resuscitation, Persons with Two Souls, Learning Color by Touch
Articles written on witchcraft during the years 1633-1820.
Spagyric Preparations for curing disease and conservation of health. Some of the rarest and most valuable secrets of the Ancient Medical and Hermetic Philosophy.
Secrets of the White House... This one won't be on the History Channel!
A collection of researches into the Hopi Tribe of the American Southwest, who are regarded as descendents of the Anasazi.
Victim after victim, fell to the torch, at the hands of the Christians...and how dare we condemn Hitler when the Americans are guilty of several holocausts on its own citizens.
American antiquities, Remains of the Giants, Geology, Volcanoes, Indian and Egyptian Magic, Somnabulism, Trances, Resuscitation, Persons with Two Souls, Learning Color by Touch
History of one of the most revered and most contentious buildings of history.
Some recovered history of the Incas based on archeological discoveries, from a Curator of Peruvian Archeology.
Interesting tidbits of history on the Incan people and their empire.
A peek at this mysterious land that once gave birth to the most advanced civilization on Earth.
Land piracy was once a problem in the USA. Now land piracy is legitimized through banking laws, and Congress gives the banksters the money to continue the piracy.