
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



Reminiscences of the Texas Republic
Catalog #: SKU2366

Oral memoirs of one of the founders of the Republic of Texas, given in the year of the creation of the new state consitution.

San Francisco Horror
Catalog #: SKU2367

The earthquake - resulting fires, totally devastated San Francisco in 1906. Several authors recorded the best they could the horrors and tragedies of that natural catastrophe. This book is an insight into their trial and tribulations.

Unwritten South, The
Catalog #: SKU2369

Relics of Hidden Truths After 40 Years - The Civil War settled nothing and only advanced Federal Tyranny into the U.S. Constitutional Government. To teach the South a lesson, the constitutional government was abdicated and a Federal Tyranny put in its place. It remains so to this day. This book discusses the causes, and results of the Civil War of Terror against the South.

Hidden Hand, The
Catalog #: SKU2371

A look into the hidden forces that pushed Germany into war.

Hidden Lives of Shakespeare and Bacon
Catalog #: SKU2372

A study into the lives to two mysterious figures in history, whose paths crossed more than once. The men are as distinct as two side of a metal coin, when one is seen the other invisible.

Dragon and His Lair in Beowulf
Catalog #: SKU2374

Studying the Reptilian infiltration of man? Here's one overlooked from the Nordic traditions.

Romance of the Seven Sages
Catalog #: SKU2376

Three studies of the Seven Sages, in Greece, the Orient, and more.

Ethiopian Lost History
Catalog #: SKU2379

A look into the ancient world of Cush that loved the Egyptian Prince Moses.

Desert Nation: Syria
Catalog #: SKU2380

Research into a land and people that is as old as the Noah story.

Everlasting Fire of Persia
Catalog #: SKU2381

What was the Everlasting Fire?

Altoviti Venus - Aphrodite
Catalog #: SKU2383

Researches into the favorite Goddess.

Ancient Peru
Catalog #: SKU2384

Ever heard of the round towers of Peru? Stone Circles? or Henges?

Origin of the Incas
Catalog #: SKU2385

Island of the Sun: Birthplace of the Incas?

Mysterious Hindus
Catalog #: SKU2388

The Hindus have a treasure trove of psychic, mystical and magical folklore and tradition, seldom covered in main studies.

Legend of Longinus and Its Connection with the Grail and Spear of Destiny
Catalog #: SKU2390

Just what is the story behind the Spear of Destiny that even Hitler himself, sought its powers?
