Historical Reprints
The Nordic-Germanic --- Aryan mythologies are based around arctic climates. This author presents the viable probability that the Aryan races originated in the Arctic areas of the planet, instead of the torrid climate of the Caucasius Mountains in Iran. This echoes the research of the famous Indian political warrior, Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, who came to the same conclusion based on the Vedas and astronomical facts.
The subject of this book is more of a monster when it comes to crimes against humanity, than any Frankenstein or horror movie. Yet, we toss around his name, not knowing or realizing what this man-monster was all about. Few figures in history rise to the fame as does the Marquis De Sade for being infamous. His crimes were well known during his lifetime -- and the strangest anomaly is that the society of his era accepted these crimes without much ado.
This is the cradle of 'western' civilization and its religions-- From Adam and Eve, to Noah to Abraham, this place is where it's happening--- why is the birthplace of all modern western religions so contentious that the west must suppress and oppress the people there today? This book won't answer that directly... but it is food for thought as you read the life and times of the Assyrians and Babylonians.
What was courting like in early America? Bundling may have been the great past-time for those early lovers.
Communists in government during World War II formulated major policies which the Truman administration followed; but when the known communists were gone, the policies continued, under Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson. The unseen they who took control of government during World War II still control it. Their tentacles of power are wrapped around levers of political control in Washington; reach into schools, big unions, colleges, churches, civic organizations; dominate communications; have a grip on the prestige and money of big corporations.
Lavengro made its first appearance more than one and twenty years ago. It was treated in anything but a courteous manner. Indeed, abuse ran riot, and many said that the book was killed. If by killed was meant knocked down and stunned, which is the Irish acceptation of the word-there is a great deal about Ireland in the book-they were right enough. It was not dead, however, oh dear no! as is tolerably well shown by the present edition, which has been long called for.
The Irish have been fighting the Brit Boot of Occupation and Oppression for over 500 years. Perhaps no other people have stood more steadfastly against the foreign rule of the British, than the Irish.
Kettle is one of the lesser known Irish patriots that stood up against the Brits for Irish home rule and independence, until his untimely death in World War 1.
Freedom of thought, and freedom of press was a landmark of the Roman Republic era... Many advances in the sciences and arts were accomplished due to this freedom. Unlike today's religious nonsense, Ovid's love stories were produced when the prevailing religion of the times supported such freedom of expression. Hail our god - Caesar?
This is arguably the most profound book ever written on the process required to achieve riches (whatever riches may be to you). This special edition is aimed at the present generation of those people who see money and success as their birthright.
This book is a preservation work to save a bit of history for today's woman. It contains many pictures of women that were local leaders in the Suffrage Movement and some men that endorsed and supported their cause.
TGS decided to reprint this book by Theordor Herzl, due to his being considered the 'father' of zionism and the restoration of modern day Israel. Further we were sick and tired of hearing conspiracy theorists and ignorant Christian preachers, citing this source to justify their anti-Semitism, and from what we can tell from their words, they have never even read the book!
This relatively new theory challenges the mainstream idea that the mankind (and/or the caucasion, aryan, white races) originated in the Mesopotamian Valley. There are indeed many evidences, facts and ancient writings that originate mankind's beginnings from the two Arctic regions. This book takes us one step farther... Eden was at the North Pole?! Sounds crazy, but such ideas are also embedded in ancient Jewish writings.
Follow Landor into the Forbidden Land of Tibet, where the environment and weather is hostile to outsiders, along with it's rulers. Yet the lure and appeal of this Sacred Land continues to entice outsiders to venture there.
Lewis Spence is one of the 'greats' from the golden era of enlightenment. His mystical and historical insights are rarely matched by any authors and researchers today. Spence had a love for lost civilizations - Atlantis one of his favorites.
This being an in depth defense, based in facts, against the false propaganda of the Catholic Church, alleging Freemasonry is Satanic/Satan worshippers would be an over simplification of any works by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite is one of the great mystic authors and researchers from the Age of Enlightenment, when the 'church' was held up to the light of truth, and the church failed.