
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



If You're Going to Live in the Country
Catalog #: SKU1296

The urge to live in the country besets most of us sooner or later. Spring with grass vividly green, buds bursting and every pond a bedlam of the shrill, rhythmic whistle of frogs, is the most dangerous season. Some take a walk in the park. Others write for Strout's farm catalogues, read them hungrily and are well. But there are the incurables. Their fever is fed for months and years by the discomforts and amenities of city life. Eventually they escape and contentedly become box numbers along rural postal routes.

Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States
Catalog #: SKU1310

Every Inaugural Speech from Washington's shortest to Harrison's longest.... Includes pictures of the presidents.

Iroquois Book of Rites
Catalog #: SKU3268

The chief value of the Book of Rites, however, is ethnological, and is found in the light which it casts on the political and social life, as well as on the character and capacity of the people to whom it belongs. We see in them many of the traits which Tacitus discerned in our ancestors of the German forests, along with some qualities of a higher cast than any that he has delineated. The love of peace, the sentiment of human brotherhood, the strong social and domestic affections, the respect for law, and the reverence for ancestral greatness, which are apparent in this Indian record and in the historical events which illustrate it, will strike most readers as new and unexpected developments.

Joan of Arc (Grace James)
Catalog #: SKU2834

Grace stresses the opinion of witnesses and friends to formulate a picture of Joan of Arc of her life.

Catalog #: SKU2308

The modern State is the distinctive product of a unique civilization. But it is a product which is still in the making, and a part of the process is a struggle between new and old principles of social order. To understand the new, which is our main purpose, we must first cast a glance at the old. We must understand what the social structure was, which-mainly, as I shall show, under the inspiration of Liberal ideas

Life of George Washington Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America
Catalog #: SKU0103

This is a book that will give you a real understanding of the story the Bible tells. No one can read Primogenesis with gaining a fully comprehensive view of the remarkable revelation of the Divine Plan for the human race, beginning with creation and climaxing in the triumph of a great restoration when justice, equity and peace will be the portion of all who dwell upon the earth.

Life of Thomas Paine; Apostle of Liberty (2 Books 1 Volume)
Catalog #: SKU3602

FROM time immemorial men have observed the natal days of their gods and heroes. A few weeks ago Christians celebrated the birthday of a god. We come to celebrate the birthday of a man.

Magic, White and Black
Catalog #: SKU3101

This book was originally written for the purpose of disenchanting certain credulous inquirers, who fancied that the exercise of spiritual powers could be taught by teaching them certain incantations and formulas. It was to prove that spiritual powers must be developed before they can be exercised, and to explain the conditions necessary for their development. Since the appearance of the previous edition, a little additional knowledge, gained by the experiences of my own inner life, has enabled me to make certain corrections; to sift out much of what was irrelevant, and to remodel a great deal of what was incorrectly expressed. Moreover in this edition an attempt has been made to answer the numerous questions which have been addressed to me by the readers of "Magic".

Man Who Turned Against the World, The - Forbidden Knowledge Series
Catalog #: SKU1610

In the beginning, more exactly... in 1943, Albert Hofmann, a Swiss bio-chemist working at the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Laboratories in Basel, discovered -- by accident, of course; one does not deliberately create such a situation -- a new drug which had some very remarkable effects on the human consciousness. The name of this drug was d-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Tartrate-25

Monsieur Violet In California, Sonora, and Texas
Catalog #: SKU3724

As my readers will eventually discover, many daring deeds did we perform together, and many pleasant days did we pass, both in the northern cities of Mexico and western prairies of Texas, hunting with the Comanches, and occasionally unmasking some rascally Texans, who, under the paint of an Indian, would commit their murders and depredations upon the remote settlements of their own countrymen.

Mysterious Hindus
Catalog #: SKU2388

The Hindus have a treasure trove of psychic, mystical and magical folklore and tradition, seldom covered in main studies.

Mysterious Native American Prehistory of Arizona
Catalog #: SKU1816

Imagine being one of the first scientists to explore the First American ruins in North America---"It seemed to me in making a plan for archeological field work in 1895, that the prehistoric cliff houses, cave dwellings, and ruined pueblos of Arizona afforded valuable opportunities for research, and past experience induced me to turn my steps more especially to the northern and northeastern parts of the territory. The ruins of ancient habitations in these regions had been partially, and, I believe, unsatisfactorily explored, especially those in a limited area called Tusayan, now inhabited by the Moki or Hopi Indians."

Myths and Legends of China
Catalog #: SKU1061

In spite of much research and conjecture, the origin of the Chinese people remains undetermined. We do not know who they were nor whence they came. Such evidence as there is points to their immigration from elsewhere; the Chinese themselves have a tradition of a Western origin. The first picture we have of their actual history shows us, not a people behaving as if long settled in a land which was their home and that of their forefathers, but an alien race fighting with wild beasts, clearing dense forests, and driving back the aboriginal inhabitants.

New Jerusalem, The
Catalog #: SKU1321

It might be worth while for England to take risks to settle the Jewish problem; but not to take risks merely to unsettle the Arab problem, and leave the Jewish problem unsolved.

Origins of the Druze People and Religion
Catalog #: SKU1705

FOR some nine hundred years, a strange national-religious body has lived in Syria. The Druzes have been the wonder of scholars, and the political opponents of those to whom the country in which they lived belonged. All sorts of theories have been advanced by scholars to account for their peculiar tenets and customs.
