Historical Reprints
As the Western world became enamored with the Pacific Isles, their culture, traditions, history and religions - Once Europe and the Middle East nations were just as spell bound with Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Even today, archeologists, esoteric researchers, and history buffs look for the lost isles of recorded history that once sat above the waters of the Atlantic.
The historical, doctrinal, ritual, and folk aspects of Lamaism are surveyed extensively in this source book, originally published in 1895. Waddell was an almost unique authority on hidden Tibet. Stationed for years with the Indian Army at Darjeeling, just over the border from Tibet (which Europeans were forbidden to enter), he systematically studied the language and culture of Tibet with the most authoritative lamaistic scholars. Several times he risked his life by entering Tibet in disguise.
The miracle had happened. And the day came when the two gray horses were summoned to their greatest task; when, with necks proudly arched and their white manes flung higher than ever, they escorted the Titanic between the islands out to sea. The story of the Titanic, much closer in time to the tragedy.
By a brief survey of present day Hopi culture and an examination into the myths and traditions constituting the unwritten literature of this people, this bulletin proposes to show that an intimate connection exists between their ritual acts, their moral standards, their social organization, even their practical activities of today, and their myths and tales-the still unwritten legendary lore.
Fact, Theories, and Incidents involving witchcraft with a look at old and new Salem, Mass.
The claiming for women equality with men, not only in mental capacity, but in civil and ecclesiastical rights, may shock the preconceived opinions of many persons, and will probably subject the individual advancing such views to the charge of fanaticism and false teaching; yet we conceive the claim to be consistent with reason, justice, and the Word of God
The minds of men today are stirred with eager questionings about the origin of civilization and about the part the different races of mankind played in its development from primitive ages.
A railroad runs from Naples to Pompeii. Are you alone? The trip occupies one hour, and you have just time enough to read what follows, pausing once in a while to glance at Vesuvius and the sea; the clear, bright waters hemmed in by the gentle curve of the promontories; a bluish coast that approaches and becomes green; a green coast that withdraws into the distance and becomes blue; Castellamare looming up, and Naples receding.
The author traces the growth of the conspiracy from early Illuminism and the French Revolution, through the rise of syndicalism, anarchism, bolshevism, communism and WWI, which she calls "The Revolution of 1917." The 1971 updated version by Webster and Gittens.
This little book is an attempt to give a brief sketch of Britain under the early English conquerors, rather from the social than from the political point of view. For that purpose not much has been said about the doings of kings and statesmen; but attention has been mainly directed towards the less obvious evidence afforded us by existing monuments as to the life and mode of thought of the people themselves.
A Chronicle of the Organized Wage-Earners - Three momentous things symbolize the era that begins its cycle with the memorable year of 1776: the Declaration of Independence, the steam engine, and Adam Smith's book, "The Wealth of Nations." The Declaration gave birth to a new nation, whose millions of acres of free land were to shift the economic equilibrium of the world; the engine multiplied man's productivity a thousandfold and uprooted in a generation the customs of centuries; the book gave to statesmen a new view of economic affairs and profoundly influenced the course of international trade relations.
The Origin of Religions - The Aryan race has contributed much to civilization. Was their sun worship the origin of all religions?
This is the cradle of 'western' civilization and its religions-- From Adam and Eve, to Noah to Abraham, this place is where it's happening--- why is the birthplace of all modern western religions so contentious that the west must suppress and oppress the people there today? This book won't answer that directly... but it is food for thought as you read the life and times of the Assyrians and Babylonians.
Conspiracies revealed and historic information about the mechanisms used.