Historical Reprints
Or why torture is really useless as a tool for interrogation.. You'll get the answer you want under torture every time.
Cairo was once named Babylon... and showed up on ancient maps as Babylon.
Here's a brief look at Babylon, Egypt.
Seldom published fragments of scriptures of differing religions and teachings of philosophers.
The USA is no longer a democratic nation of republics - It no longer practices a republican form of government. This little tome investigates the WHY---
A look back at prominent women of history, their power, their elegance, their beauty, and role in history.
The Middle East continues to occupy current events, and Iran is becoming a forerunner in all the debates. Iran is also one of the foremost nations preserving its ancient history and supporting archeology in discovering its past. Zoroaster and his relgion that followed had a major impact on Persia, and more than likely the entire civilized world.
There is a threaded connection to Egypt in Christianity from Ham, Abraham, and Jesus. Could it be that the Egyptian religion is the acutal progenitor of Christianity?
A comprehensive research into hundreds of secret societies in the United States.
The lost history of a famed society once located in Clerkenwell, England. One arched gate remains of this society in the city - The Gate of St. John.
Whose Famous Deed are Recorded in the Ancient Chronicles. - We've always been entertained by the lore of evil giantss... but seldom are we introduced to the giants that befriended us 'wee' folk.
The Female Convents - The sins of the Holy Sisters exposed, and this hypocrisy continues....
A look at secret societies, their history, their claims, their motives, and from a Biblical viewpoint.
The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.