
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



Speeches of Two Texas U.S. Congressmen on Secession
Catalog #: SKU2969

What did Texas forefathers think about secession? Here are two speeches: one of pro-secession and one of anti-secession.

State Sovereignty
Catalog #: SKU0701

This rare treatise was written by Missouri Judge E. A. Meany. The treatise was an open challenge to the lies being espoused by President Lincoln and the so-called perpetual unionist of the day.

State Sovereignty and the Doctrine of Coercion
Catalog #: SKU2991

The doctrine of unconstitutional coercion by force was true nature of the American Civil War.

Tell El Amarna Period
Catalog #: SKU3678

As early as 1820 it was known in Europe that in Middle Egypt, on the east bank of the Nile, in the district between Minieh and Siut, there lay the remains of a great city of Ancient Egypt.

Women as Sex Vendors
Catalog #: SKU2174

Why Women are Conservative and the Economic Status of Women - A short historical look at the status of women in society.

Coin's Financial School (Kindle Reader Edition Download)
Catalog #: SKU3421

It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.

Coin's Financial School (Large Print PDF Download)
Catalog #: SKU3419

It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.

Coin's Financial School (MobiPocket Reader Edition PRC Download)
Catalog #: SKU3420

It is impossible for the layman to evaluate the merits of this traditional case against the gold standard. But most economists who are familiar with macroeconomic developments have tended in recent years to minimize the effect of the bullion basis of money in the secular price decline, as compared with certain long-range changes that came with industrialism and improvements in transportation.

Prehistoric Structures of Central America
Catalog #: SKU3795

The prophet Isaiah, writing soon after seven hundred and fifty years before Christ, in the twenty-third chapter of his prophecy, gives us a pretty good idea of the unlimited commerce and the unlimited prosperity of the merchants of Tyre. Among other things he says the following, speaking of the City "Whose antiquity is of ancient days." He calls the City "The Crowning City," "whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honorable of the earth."

Germany and the Jews
Catalog #: SKU0324

A rare article republished by the famous historical researcher Nesta H. Webster (Julian Sterne).

Truth of the War Conspiracy of 1861
Catalog #: SKU2169

Exposing the conspiracy to ignite a war between the north and the south.

Romance of the Seven Sages
Catalog #: SKU2376

Three studies of the Seven Sages, in Greece, the Orient, and more.

Contest In America
Catalog #: SKU3787

The cloud which for the space of a month hung gloomily over the civilized world, black with far worse evils than those of simple war, has passed from over our heads without bursting.

Biography of Jose Navarro
Catalog #: SKU2189

Texans seldom gives the credit due the Hispanic efforts, sacrifice, and influence in gaining Texas Independence, without which, the Texas Revolution would probably have failed. This biography is one such effort to restore the Hispanic Heros of Texas to their proper prominence.

Gaulish Inscription of the Poitiers: A Charm Against the Demon Dontaurios
Catalog #: SKU2610

20 pages of research on this strange inscription. Demonology and how our ancestors used talismans and spells to ward them off.
