Historical Reprints
Mind control, propaganda, ignorant religious zealots, lead to the way to civil war between the states... and the Republican party is still actively using these techniques to destroy the constitutional republic.
Every American is now more than ever interested in Europe, and especially in those countries with which we are associated in the War. France, in particular, claims our attention. It is for this reason that as Jews we cannot help being interested in the relation of France to the Jewish people.
The mystique of these buried cities, that a volcano destroyed, continues as a time capsule of a view into our ancient past.
Slavery is the first thing people point to when talking about the War of Northern Tyranny against the South. While slavery was one of the causes, the move to secession was due to a multitude of unconstitutional acts of the US against the South.
This reprint grants the reader a rare synopsis of mankind's utilization and/or over use of the soil throughout the world, and through different civilizations. Societal structures, peace, success -throughout history- rely upon the ability of the soil to feed the people.
History ignores the FACT that the Southern states were legally and constitutionally in the right. Though slavery was morally wrong, the North and the Republican party had legal avenues to change the constitution, but instead chose war. The fascist boot of the Republican Party remains a milestone around the neck of freedom.
The Giants of American finance and business exposed for the crimes against the people and the US Government.
Tales and stories from Texas' famous Cowtown, Fort Worth - Where the West Begins.
This Jewish author exposes the fraud that modern Jewry is descended from the biblical Judeans or Hebrews and shows how its origin is actually from the Mongol Khazars who converted to Judaism.
Studies into the ancient religions of Greece, Babylon, India, and Rome. Elements and Dieties in the Phallic Faiths and Worship
The following Account of the Five Indian Nations will shew what dangerous Neighbours the Indians have once been; what Pains a neighbouring Colony (whose Interest is opposite to ours) has taken to withdraw their Affections from us; and how much we ought to be on our Guard. If we only consider the Riches which our Enemies receive from the Indian Trade (though we were under no Apprehensions from the Indians themselves) it would be highly imprudent in us to suffer such People to grow Rich and Powerful, while it is in our Power to prevent it, with much less Charge and Trouble, than it is in theirs to accomplish their Designs.
The following Account of the Five Indian Nations will shew what dangerous Neighbours the Indians have once been; what Pains a neighbouring Colony (whose Interest is opposite to ours) has taken to withdraw their Affections from us; and how much we ought to be on our Guard. If we only consider the Riches which our Enemies receive from the Indian Trade (though we were under no Apprehensions from the Indians themselves) it would be highly imprudent in us to suffer such People to grow Rich and Powerful, while it is in our Power to prevent it, with much less Charge and Trouble, than it is in theirs to accomplish their Designs.
A rundown of the Whitechapel Murders that started on April 3, 1888 and, excepting newspapers, may be the first published account of the acts of Jack the Ripper, only 7 years after the first murder.
A study into the racist and segregation views of the KKK, including their hatred of Masons and Jews.
3 treatises in one volume : TEXAS FROM THE FALL OF THE CONFEDERACY TO THE BEGINNING OF RECONSTRUCTION : STATE FINANCES OF TEXAS DURING THE RECONSTRUCTION - In the last days of the summer of 1863 Major John Tyler, son of an ex-President of the United States, and at that time an aid on the staff of General Sterling Price, C. S. A., was making the slow and toilsome journey from his headquarters at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, to Austin, Texas. This had been a disastrous summer for the Confederacy.