Historical Reprints
The lost chronology of Egyptian history is explained, in contradiction to the 'established' view of Egyptian history.
The author describes the organized subversive movements against civilization and Christianity as directed by the Secret Societies, and traces their origins to the beginnings of the Christian era.
IF we had the means of investigating historically the origin of Secret Societies, we should probably find that they began to be formed almost as soon as any knowledge had been accumulated by particular individuals beyond what constituted the common stock. The same thing has happened to knowledge that has happened to all other human possessions,--its actual holders have striven to keep it to themselves!
The City of New York is the largest and most important in America. The world's attention has once again been cast upon 'America's' city since 9-11. However, today, as at the turn of last century, much of idyllic view of New York City is hype and public relation advertising. This book was authored at the turn of the last century, and little has changed in the 'real' NYC in the past hundred years in its social makeup and its caste system.
It is the earnest desire of the author of this Monitor to discover that all the Commanderies invest the beautiful, instructive and entertaining Order of the Red Cross with the interest its importance demands. The Ritual provides ample opportunity for the display of true dramatic taste, both in robing and in reading.
IT is our design to present a pleasing and interesting miscellany, which will serve to beguile the leisure hour, and will at the same time couple instruction with amusement. We have used but little method in the arrangement: Choosing rather to furnish the reader with a rich profusion of narratives and anecdotes, all tending to illustrate the Female Character, to display its delicacy, its sweetness, its gentle or sometimes heroic virtues, its amiable weaknesses, and strange defects-than to attempt an accurate analysis of the hardest subject man ever attempted to master, viz-WOMAN.
Enter pristine Egypt of 1911 through the eyes of this author and relive the impressions of ancient Egypt, before World Wars, before Industrialization, before the Modern Era. Mildly illustrated with images from the area of Egpyt the author is revealing. Feel the romance that Egypt holds over the world and awe of Egypt the author feels. Egypt holds a spell over all people of every civilization.
Study with the author in his exploration of the Salisbury plains and Stonehenge: Large Print 17 point font.
The author suggests that historians begin to rely more on the traditions for achieving a more accurate view of history, rather than the sciences alone. His studies into Finnish, Danish, Norwegian origins are like none other.
The mystique of a suppressed nation, an oppressed people - Texas should have been a nation since 1861, when it's people lawfully seceded from the tyranny of a radical rump Republican congress and administration. Yet the lure of freedom still remains with Texas, and its natural resources, history, culture and abilities suggest there is no other place quite like in on Earth.
To those who wish to understand the reason of this steady recurrence of mystic tradition in every century, these studies may be of some use. They will serve as literary landmarks to guide the seeker to those distant sources whence flow faint echoes of divine truths--the heritage of the divine human race; truths that bring dim memories to the soul which are its highest impulse, and give the clue that guides it to the inner "science of the soul"--the mystic quest of all the saints, and the hidden truth that all religions have tried to teach, and which only a few in each religion have ever realized.
THE time has arrived, when the Great Wisdom, held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East, is now to come forth in America, at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct and protect the evolution of mankind upon this earth.
The Great Ascended Master, Saint Germain, throughout this series of books, is one of those Powerful Emissaries from the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters who govern this planet.
In what does man's pre-eminence over the brute creation consist? The answer is as clear as that a half is less than the whole; in Reason.
I have never managed to lose my old conviction that travel narrows the mind. At least a man must make a double effort of moral humility and imaginative energy to prevent it from narrowing his mind.
THE following study of the Gunpowder Plot has grown out of the accidental circumstance that, having undertaken to read a paper before the Historical Research Society. I was asked to take the famous conspiracy for my subject. It was with much reluctance that I agreed to do so, believing, as I then did, that there was absolutely nothing fresh to say upon this topic, that no incident in our annals had been more thoroughly threshed out, and that in regard of none, so far, at least, as its broader outlines are concerned, was the truth more clearly established.