
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Complete Story of the Galveston Horror, The
Egyptian Masonic History: The Ancient and 96th Degree: The Rite of Memphis
Roman Law : The Twelve Tables



Origin of Freemasonry and Knights Templar
Catalog #: SKU2147

Bennett reveals the historical connections between Masonry and Templars.

Origin of the Anglo-Saxon Race
Catalog #: SKU2862

Anglo-Saxon history is largely ignored by world history books, possibly due to the legends and myths that have come from that history, blurring the lines of history and fiction. Yet, the history is as full and rich as are the myths.

Origin of the Fylfot or Swastika - Thor's Hammer
Catalog #: SKU3493

Three articles on the fylfot symbol that prove its non-Nazi origin.

Origin of the Incas
Catalog #: SKU2385

Island of the Sun: Birthplace of the Incas?

Origin of the Royal Arch Order of Masonry
Catalog #: SKU3103

Hard to find reprint from 1867 for the researcher or adherent to Freemasonry.

Original History of Ancient America
Catalog #: SKU3932

Are the Indigenous Americans remants of the Phoenicians and the Israelites? A sufficient identity of the Northern native is now required, in order to establish the national distinction between the Aborigines of the two Americas.

Origins of the Druze People and Religion
Catalog #: SKU1705

FOR some nine hundred years, a strange national-religious body has lived in Syria. The Druzes have been the wonder of scholars, and the political opponents of those to whom the country in which they lived belonged. All sorts of theories have been advanced by scholars to account for their peculiar tenets and customs.

Orion, The : The Antiquity of the Vedas
Catalog #: SKU1822

This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. Based on independent research, astronomical facts, and from the Vedas themselves, Tilak proves that these precious manuscripts were written around or in excess of 6000 years ago. Oddly enough this lines up with biblical interpretation that mankind started 6000 years ago...and that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, too was established on a certain position of Orion.

Oscar Wilde: His Life and Confessions
Catalog #: SKU2738

The first biography and history of the mysterious Oscar Wilde, by an author whose own biography would be curious and mysterious.

Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection (2 Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU3109

Set of Two Books, Both Volumes of this incredible research by the Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, E.A. Wallis Budge. Budge shows the reader the ancient worship of Osiris originating and flourishing in Africa. These volumes illustrate in depth and in rich detail the African and year-god character of the worship of Osiris. The religion of Osiris is very ancient and its analogies with later religions are clear, although there are differences in detail. The tale of of the mythology and ritual of Osiris had never before been told until Dr. Budge published these books.

Our Enemy the State
Catalog #: SKU0317

This book warns from our past about the current consition of US affairs today. Mr. Nock's warnings on the loss of our liberty, our freedoms, our rights haunt us today from his own 'cry' from the wilderness in 1935. An important book for any patriot truthseeker! The true enemy of the people is always the state that has continued unchecked from its 'self-protecting' attitude and starts recreating the tyranny against its own citizens.

Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2526

From one of the great researchers into the pyramids of Egypt, Piazzi Smith. Smith's work has been the basis or starting point for many researchers, scientific and religious, since this book was published.

Our Legal Heritage
Catalog #: SKU3331

This was written to appreciate what laws have been in existence for a long time and therefore have proven their success in maintaining a stable society. Its purpose is also to see the historical context in which our legal doctrines developed. It includes the inception of the common law system, which was praised because it made law which was not handed down by an absolutist king; the origin of the jury system; the meaning of the Magna Carta provisions in their historical context; and the emergence of attorneys.

Our Republic : The Golden Mean
Catalog #: SKU0016

During the forty-five years since Back to the Republic was first published in 1918, problems confronting our great Republic -- which the author, Harry Atwood, recognized as inimical to the interests of liberty and freedom -- have ripened into a constitutional crisis.

Owen Glyndwr - The Last Struggle For Welsh Independence
Catalog #: SKU3923

Men of the Glyndwr type live in history rather by their deeds, and the deeds of those they lead and inspire. This is peculiarly the case with the last and the most celebrated among the soldier patriots of Wales.
