Historical Reprints
A bit of a different look at the Bible and the Pyramid. Most of the theorists look at the Pyramid as an extension of the Bible. This author takes the view that the Bible is the key to the Pyramid.
Many archeological discoveries of the early Christian church began to surface in the late 1800s. The author studies the ancient monuments, art, and artifacts of the church. With 182 illustrations the influence of Christianity in the ancient world is proven.
As my readers will eventually discover, many daring deeds did we perform together, and many pleasant days did we pass, both in the northern cities of Mexico and western prairies of Texas, hunting with the Comanches, and occasionally unmasking some rascally Texans, who, under the paint of an Indian, would commit their murders and depredations upon the remote settlements of their own countrymen.
The word "trust," standing for one of the noblest faculties of the heart, has always held an honorable place in our language. It is one of the strange occurrences by which languages become indelible records of great facts in the history of the world, that this word has recently acquired a new meaning, which, to the popular ear at least, is as hateful as the old meaning is pleasant and gratifying.
All the usurpation, and tyranny, and extortion, and robbery, and fraud, that are involved in the monopoly of money are practised, and attempted to be justified, under the pretence of maintaining the standard of value. This pretence is intrinsically a false one throughout.
IT is important for the Christian world to understand where their bias against other people and religions originated. Much like Marsden's interpretation of the Protocols of Zion led to a great Christian uproar against Jews, so thus this author attempts to bias Christians against Moslems. Large print 17 point font.
The modes of ancient Greek music are of interest to us, not only as the forms under which the Fine Art of Music was developed by a people of extraordinary artistic capability, but also on account of the peculiar ethical influence ascribed to them by the greatest ancient philosophers. It appears from a well-known passage in the Republic of Plato, as well as from many other references, that in ancient Greece there were certain kinds or forms of music, which were known by national or tribal names-Dorian, Ionian, Phrygian, Lydian and the like...
Today we hear the Republicans accusing the Democrats of fascism. What a joke considering the Republican Party was the author of Federal Fascism before Hitler was ever born. (Republican Radical Rumps)
The great explorer's "missing journal" describing his mysterious voyage inside the earth which was never revealed to the public. Byrd says he found a great land beyond the pole that was NOT covered in ice, where he met beings of a super nature.
Many lore researchers have admired and given mystical and prophetical qualities to this strangest of people of Old Russia. Some have almost sainted Rasputin, in their admiration... but not all Russians were so enthralled by this mysterious person...Was he really just a traitor to his nation? Read on...
Few words have acquired such a wide signification as the word symbol. Originally applied, amongst the Greeks, to the two halves of the tablet they divided between themselves as a pledge of hospitality-in the manner of our contract forms, detached along a line of perforations from the counterfoil record-it was gradually extended to the engraved shells by which those initiated in the mysteries made themselves known to each other; and even to the more or less esoteric formulas and sacramental rites that may be said to have constituted the visible bond of their fellowship.
Mexico, superfluous to say, is not part of South America. But it is part of that vast Spanish-speaking New World whose development holds much of interest; and which may occupy a more important part in coming years than is generally thought of at present.
This author discounts one of the Pyramid theories as myth, but it's worthy reading to understand his scientific and mathmatical objections.
Kant's unorthodox religious teachings, which were based on rationalism rather than revelation, brought him into conflict with the government of Prussia, and in 1792 he was forbidden by Frederick William II, king of Prussia, to teach or write on religious subjects. Kant obeyed this order for five years until the death of the king and then felt released from his obligation. In 1798, the year following his retirement from the university, he published a summary of his religious views.
The remotest possibility of the success of such an unjust, un-American, illiberal and dangerous form of tyranny in government, should alarm the American people beyond and above every other question, even that of war; and should set them to the task of a close analysis of the subject and trend of Prohibition.