Historical Reprints
The object of the Editors of is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of goodwill and understanding between East and West-the old world of Thought and the new of Action. In this endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the highest example in the land.
The Queen of Sheba story examined from manuscripts discovered at Axum.
In the late 1800s, a mysterious artifact of ancient America was uncovered and dubbed the "Lenape Stone." Many stories, true and false ones, circulated throughout America. -- This author did his own research and gives an objective analysis.
EARLY in the month of July 1861 I was enabled, by the kind permission of my friend David Balfour, Esq. of Balfour and Trenaby, to put in execution a scheme long contemplated, but from various circumstances unavoidably delayed, the excavation of some of the great tumuli in the neighbourhood of the Stones of Stennes, or Ring of Brogar.
THE Constitution of the United States establishing a legislature for the Union, under certain forms, authorises each branch of it "to determine the rules of its own proceedings." The Senate have accordingly formed some rules for its own government: but these going only to few cases, they have referred to the decision of their President, without debate and without appeal, all questions of order arising either under their own rules, or where they have provided none. By Thomas Jefferson
It is not long since the Middle Ages, of the literature of which this book gives us such curious examples, were supposed to be an unaccountable phenomenon accidentally thrust in betwixt the two periods of civilisation, the classical and the modern, and forming a period without growth or meaning-a period which began about the time of the decay of the Roman Empire, and ended suddenly, and more or less unaccountably, at the time of the Reformation.
IT is important for the Christian world to understand where their bias against other people and religions originated. Much like Marsden's interpretation of the Protocols of Zion led to a great Christian uproar against Jews, so thus this author attempts to bias Christians against Moslems. Large print 17 point font.
The object of the editors of this series is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between East and West, the old world of Thought, and the new of Action. In this endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the highest example in the land. They are confident that a deeper knowledge of the great ideals and lofty philosophy of Oriental thought may help to a revival of that true spirit of Charity which neither despises nor fears the nations of another creed and colour. Finally, in thanking press and public for the very cordial reception given to the "Wisdom of the East" series, they wish to state that no pains have been spared to secure the best specialists for the treatment of the various subjects at hand. Large print 15 point font.
Historical Reprint : A look at the history and the view of the Ancient Egyptians of the afterlife.
Oral memoirs of one of the founders of the Republic of Texas, given in the year of the creation of the new state consitution.
The Irish Moll Flanders... a woman that used all the talents and lures of womanhood to get what she wanted.
The researches and explorations of travelers, scientists and learned investigators, are every day adding to our knowledge of the Serpent-Cultus. It is rising above the old conception of an obscure and ill-defined superstition, to the dimensions of a religion, distinctly outlined in its characteristic features, and by no means without a recondite metaphysical basis.
First men let them VOTE, then they wanted orgasms!!! The author is pushing the limits of equality for women; that have been legislated by men for them for their own good. Dora wants sex equality in the bedroom, as well at the voting booth.
A totem is a class of material objects which a savage regards with superstitious respect, believing that there exists between him and every member of the class an intimate and altogether special relation. The name is derived from an Ojibway Chippeway word totem, the correct spelling of which is somewhat uncertain.
THESE are troubled times. As the echoes of the war die away the sound of a new conflict rises on our ears. All the world is filled with industrial unrest. Strike follows upon strike. A world that has known five years of fighting has lost its taste for the honest drudgery of work. Cincinnatus will not back to his plow, or, at the best, stands sullenly between his plow-handles arguing for a higher wage.