Historical Reprints Health Related


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Complete Herbalist, The

Health Related

TGS Reprints a number of older health and medical books on varying topics. Long forgotten advice and methods for treating disease and injuries can be found in these reprints. Many would be invaluable in a survival crises, such as a repeat of a Hurricane Katrina disaster. TGS does not presume these old treatments are better or should replace more modern medical discoveries, though some may be. Our 'unqualified' personal opinion is that diagnosis of disease is unparalleled in modern medicine, but treatment might be found in many alternative options.


Catalog #: SKU3699

The medical background of Hill's pamphlet extends further back than the seventeenth century and Burton's Anatomy. The ancient Greeks had theorized about hypochondria: it signified a disorder beneath the gristle and the disease was discussed principally in physiological terms.

Catalog #: SKU1232

This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. UNNATURAL food is the principal cause of human degeneration. It is the oldest vice. If we reflect upon the number of ruinous dietetic abuses, and their immemorial tyranny over the larger part of the human race, we are tempted to eschew all symbolic interpretations of the paradise legend and ascribe the fall of man literally and exclusively to the eating of forbidden food. From century to century this same cause has multiplied the sum of our earthly ills.

HYGIENIC SYSTEM : Fasting and Sunbathing
Catalog #: SKU1233

This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. WANT OF APPETITE is not always a morbid symptom, nor even a sign of imperfect digestion. Nature may have found it necessary to muster all the energies of our system for some special purpose, momentarily of paramount importance. Organic changes and repairs, teething, pleuritic eruptions, and the external elimination of bad humors (boils, etc.), are often attended with a temporary suspension of the alimentary process. As a rule, it is always the safest plan to give Nature her own way.

Hygienic Care of Children
Catalog #: SKU1231

This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. An intelligent man may be wrong sometimes, but a fool is always right. He is never wrong. The medical profession is never wrong. It never changes, except superficially. This is the reason it is necessary for me to write this book. There are many books on the care and feeding of infants, but most of them consist largely of repetitions of ancient mistakes. There is little in them that can be recommended to the parent who desires to care for his or her child in the best manner possible. They are full of statements which have been known to be false for many years. But the medical profession is never wrong.

Hygiene Collection of Herbert M. Shelton
Catalog #: SKU1236

This set of book are reprints in TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. All five of TGS Published books on alternative health care and cures by the famous practitioner Herbert M. Shelton of San Antonio, Texas.

Human Sexuality
Catalog #: SKU2540

A look at human sexuality from social, cultural, medical, and legal aspects.

Human Aura and the Significance of Color, The
Catalog #: SKU3032

How your aura projects your personality, character, health and other messages your body communicates.

Human Aura : The Astral World (Two Books in One!)
Catalog #: SKU0972

Throughout the pages of this little book have been scattered crumbs of teaching other than those concerning the aura alone. Those for whom these are intended will recognize and appropriate them--the others will not see them, and will pass them by. One attracts his own to him. Much seed must fall on waste places in order that here and there a grain will find lodgment in rich soil awaiting its coming. True occult knowledge is practical power and strength.

Human Atmosphere : Its Aura
Catalog #: SKU1578

HARDLY one person in ten thousand is aware that he or she is enveloped by a haze intimately connected with the body, whether asleep or awake, whether hot or cold, which, although invisible under ordinary circumstances, can be seen when conditions are favourable. This mist, the prototype of the nimbus or halo constantly depicted around saints, has been manifest to certain individuals possessing a specially gifted sight, who in consequence have received the title of "Clairvoyants," and until quite recently to no one else.

How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals into Realities
Catalog #: SKU0881

Desire, Ideals and Reality; The Spirit of Matter; Desire Ideals and the Process of Becoming Realities; Idealizing Things; Idealizing Means and Methods; Property Values Depend Upon Ideals and Idealization; Making Desires of Positions and advancement Come true; The Healing of Incurable Cases; Changing Character and Attaining Spiritual Consciousness.

How to Put the Subconscious Mind to Work LARGE PRINT COMB-BOUND
Catalog #: SKU0512

To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.

How to Put the Subconscious Mind to Work LARGE PRINT
Catalog #: SKU2932

To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.

How to Put the Subconscious Mind to Work
Catalog #: SKU2931

To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.

How To Live 100 Years
Catalog #: SKU2446

Stay Healthy and LIVE!

How to Eat : A Cure For "Nerves"
Catalog #: SKU2910

In "How to Eat" the author offers the sufferer from "nerves" a remedy as simple as that Elisha offered Naaman. He gives him an opportunity to profit by his well-tested knowledge that overeating and rapidity in eating are ruinous to health and shorten life.
