Historical Reprints
Health Related
In this course of lessons, of which this is the first, we shall take up the subject of "Gnani Yoga"--the Yoga of Wisdom, and will endeavor to make plain some of its most important and highest teachings. And, we trust that in so doing, we shall be able to awaken in you a still higher realization of your relationship with the One, and a corresponding Love for that in which you live, and move and have your being. We ask for your loving sympathy and cooperation in our task.
The highest truths about these important subjects are often obscured by popular misconceptions occasioned by partial teaching. We trust that you--our students--will wish to follow us still higher--higher than we have ventured so far, and we assure you that there is a Truth to be seen and known that is as much higher than the other phases upon which we have touched, as those phases have been higher than the current beliefs of the masses of the race. We trust that the Powers of Knowledge may guide and direct us that we may be able to convey our message so that it may be accepted and understood
From one of the world's greatest psychologists and therapist, a study into the dream world. Every angle of dreams is studied and reviewed.
Once the most popular sex education manual in Europe, proving also, that sex education was considered normal and important for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Now days we take cosmetics for granted. You find them in every drug store, discount store, convenience store, beauty salon, etc. But less than a century ago, commercial cosmetics were not that easy to obtain and were high priced. So what did the women of our grandmother's era do? This book reveals their secrets, home-made recipes, and the lost connection between health, grace and beauty.
Fifty Three Chapters on Sex Education for Women (though good for men too!). This reprint presents sex as taught towards the end of the Roaring Twenties. Some of the illnesses presented as facts during this era have been disproved, (regarding marriage and genetic illnesses,) but the book is still an encyclopedia of sex related topics. Sex with all our modernization still remains one of the largest, longest running, elusive mysteries of the human race.
The medical community at John Hopkins looks into the incredients and recipes of the witches cauldrons.
In presenting to the public the "WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK," the publishers believe they can justly claim that it more fully represents the progress and present perfection of the culinary art than any previous work.
Twelve articles debating pros and cons for using phrenology as a forensic tool.
One of the most popular books published in the early 20th century, and banned from time to time in several nations.
Vivilore is a study of 'life-lessons'. This book is an encyclopedia of knowledge from beauty, motherhood, health, death, and much more! 120 illustrations 20 color plates.
The war cry of to-day in peace no less than in war is for efficiency. We need stronger, more capable men; healthier, superior women. Force is supreme-the king of all mankind. And it is force that stands back of efficiency, for efficiency, first of all, means power. It comes from power, and power either comes directly from inheritance or it is developed by an intelligent application of the laws that control the culture of the physique. Large print 15 point font.
Virility is the Achilles heel of manhood, thus the emphasis on modern day drugs (and poisons and quackery) for man 'standing up' for sex. From 1900, MacFadden brings back the importance of health in maintaining virility.
The following volume embraces the testimony, direct or indirect, of more than a HUNDRED individuals-besides that of societies and communities-on the subject of vegetable diet. Most of this one hundred persons are, or were, persons of considerable distinction in society; and more than FIFTY of them were either medical men, or such as have made physiology, hygiene, anatomy, pathology, medicine, or surgery a leading or favorite study. -- Large Print 15 point font.
A VERY wise physician has said that "every illness has two parts-what it is, and what the patient thinks about it." What the patient thinks about it is often more important and more troublesome than the real disease. What the patient thinks of life, what life means to him is also of great importance and may be the bar that shuts out all real health and happiness. -- Large Print 17 point font.