Historical Reprints Health Related


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Complete Herbalist, The

Health Related

TGS Reprints a number of older health and medical books on varying topics. Long forgotten advice and methods for treating disease and injuries can be found in these reprints. Many would be invaluable in a survival crises, such as a repeat of a Hurricane Katrina disaster. TGS does not presume these old treatments are better or should replace more modern medical discoveries, though some may be. Our 'unqualified' personal opinion is that diagnosis of disease is unparalleled in modern medicine, but treatment might be found in many alternative options.


Sex and Society
Catalog #: SKU1332

These studies have been published in various journals at different times. They are reprinted together because there is some demand for them, and they are not easily accessible. In preparing them for publication in the present form, some of them have been expanded and all of them have been revised.

Sex and the Senses
Catalog #: SKU2547

Explore how the five senses enhance the sexual act and lovemaking.

Sex Slavery
Catalog #: SKU2799

An unusual twist in looking on the roles of sex and sexual relations between man and woman.

Sex-Love : Its Place in a Free Society
Catalog #: SKU2549

Think 'free love' started with the 60s generation? Think again... The quest for unrepressed acts of love have been with humanity since the beginning... and repressed time and again by 'sects' of men only interested in controlling others.

Sexual Crisis, The : A Critique of Our Sex Life
Catalog #: SKU2158

An early study of woman's reproductive rights, along with a more romantic psychological evaluation of our sex lives.

Sexual Health
Catalog #: SKU2640

Sexual health is something most of us pay no attention to until we have something no longer working, physically or psychologically. Though slanted from a christian viewpoint, much of the advice is valid from a medical view.

Sexual Ills and Illnesses
Catalog #: SKU2475

The homeopathic solutions to sexually related diseases and problems.

Sexual Impotence
Catalog #: SKU2642

Learn what chemicals, foods, habits can affect or cause impotence from this doctor.

Sexual Impotence in the Male and Female
Catalog #: SKU2641

Absence does not always make the heart grow fonder... absence of sexual function has an opposite affect on relationships and that absence of function occurs in both men and women.

Sexual Instinct and Its Morbid Manifestations
Catalog #: SKU3169

A study into human sexual anomolies not considered 'normal' by most people.

Sexual Life of the Child
Catalog #: SKU3154

An in depth study into the physical growth of the sexual in the child, the physiology of the sexual child, the external factors that influence the sexual growth of children, and sexual education of children.

Sexual Life of Woman - 2 vol set Unabridged Edition
Catalog #: SKU3151

The great Teacher once said, Physician heal thyself... This book gives women the knowledge of her body and inner workings so she can protect herself from ailments and damage to her most private and sensitive parts. A wealth of knowledge for the woman's library. For men, this book will give you information about that most mysterious place on the female body 700 pages of medical science. Large Print 14 point font, 97 illustrations

Sexual Life of Woman - Abridged Edition
Catalog #: SKU3173

The great Teacher once said, Physician heal thyself... This book gives women the knowledge of her body and inner workings so she can protect herself from ailments and damage to her most private and sensitive parts. A wealth of knowledge for the woman's library. For men, this book will give you information about that most mysterious place on the female body 700 pages of medical science. Large Print 14 point font, 97 illustrations

Sexual Life, The
Catalog #: SKU3167

A medical doctor studies the sex habits of mankind, and gives advise from his experience and medical practice of a safe and enjoyable sex life. He includes a history of the sexual impulse.

Sexual Neuroses
Catalog #: SKU2645

A christian study into sexual neurosis, diseases, and perversions.
