Historical Reprints
Health Related
One of the first studies of the criminal mind using psychological standards. The author also compares physiology of the criminal to the law abiding citizen.
This Set of Two Books is a facsimile reproduction of Budge's hard to find work on Syrian Medicines in the Ancient World. This edition has been reproduced from scans for the layman, removing over 600 pages of Syriac text, that was intended for the scholar. This is a Set of Two Books with 985 pages of the English Translation of the Syriac.
How your aura projects your personality, character, health and other messages your body communicates.
This is volume 1 of highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
This is an 8 volume set of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.
The author explores the importance of sex to gynecological functions of the body and health.
This is volume 3 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
This is volume 3 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
This is volume 5 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.
This is volume 4 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
Dream Psychology articles from Freud's International Journal of Psycho-Anaylsis
The Derangement Caused By Onanism And Sexual Excesses With A Strict Regard To The Present Demands Of Medical Science, And Accompanied By An Appendix On The Use Of Electro-Magnetism In The Treatment Of These Diseases.
This is volume 6 of this highly evolved series on spiritual growth and health. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices. Harmonic Series
This is 2 vol set is also vols 7 & 8 of the Harmonic Series. This has to be one of the best self improvement books ever published, going through each step to take a person to living a worthy and beneficial life. The authors and editors take great efforts to teach the reader, not only the why one needs to grow spiritually but how to do so, with proven techniques and practices.