Historical Reprints
Health Related
In 1820, John George Hohman published a book called Verborgne Freund (Long Lost Friend). In this book are ancient household remedies, incantations, and charms that are based on the magical practices of emigrants from the Rhineland and Switzerland who arrived in Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries.
To some to be healed by vibration may appear miraculous but of course it is the natural operation of a common mental and physical law of vibration. A superstitious or religious belief that the Lord spoke and it was done, or, a bigoted idea of the miraculous power of God could have produced the same effect.
It maybe set down, we suppose, as a matter sufficiently settled to become a principle, that men are moved by nothing more generally and certainly than by the power of Beauty-particularly Beauty in Woman.
3 Books in ONE Volume!: THE hand of eternal progress is brushing the cobwebs from the corridors of time and is again revealing to the human race the mysteries of being. As there is "nothing new under the sun," the searchlight of Truth is bringing to light only what has been known to the few in all generations.
An investigation into the dangers of hypnotism and psychology as crimes against the human nature, mind, and intellect.
Whether or not you agree with the Doctor's conclusions about circumcision, this has to be the most exhaustive history reference ever written on this unusual subject. In ancient Egypt the performance of circumcision was at one time limited to the priesthood
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. An intelligent man may be wrong sometimes, but a fool is always right. He is never wrong. The medical profession is never wrong. It never changes, except superficially. This is the reason it is necessary for me to write this book. There are many books on the care and feeding of infants, but most of them consist largely of repetitions of ancient mistakes. There is little in them that can be recommended to the parent who desires to care for his or her child in the best manner possible. They are full of statements which have been known to be false for many years. But the medical profession is never wrong.
If I, therefore, would preserve my method for present and future times, and not die stigmatized as a "quack", I am under the necessity of exhibiting, proving and communicating to others the truths I have discovered, by dint of instruction, and demonstrations on living subjects. To such a large company, however, the presentation of diseased persons is impossible, and I must therefore content myself with explaining my views in words to the best of my ability. And first, let me show briefly what led to the formulation of my Method.
"Your trouble is nervous. There is nothing we can cut out and there is nothing we can give medicine for." With these words a young college student was dismissed from one of our great diagnostic clinics. (Written BEFORE this profession became the advocate and endorser of TORTURE as puppets of the Bush Regime)
The great Teacher once said, Physician heal thyself... This book gives women the knowledge of her body and inner workings so she can protect herself from ailments and damage to her most private and sensitive parts. A wealth of knowledge for the woman's library. For men, this book will give you information about that most mysterious place on the female body 700 pages of medical science. Large Print 14 point font, 97 illustrations
An interesting collection of articles looking into many aspects of morals and sex. It is definately anti-abortion and anti-masturbation, but other articles are very interesting, such a Benjamin Franklin's view on old women vs. young women for sex.
From one of the world's greatest psychologists and therapist, a study into the dream world. Every angle of dreams is studied and reviewed.
The present work is the result of more than twenty years' labour in a limited medical department of biology. It demonstrates once more the truth of the scientific principle, that the truth or falsity of any theory or working hypothesis becomes more and more demonstrable the further its application is attempted in the explanation of new lines of facts.
A unique study into the history of mankind's sexual relations with each other, including its religious aspects and connections.
A medical and biological treatise on the many problems that cause impotency and insterility from birth to maturity.